MBY March 2011 - a Great Read


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18 Mar 2009
Home=Surrey / Boat=Hamble
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I subscribe to MBM, and look forward to getting that through the door every month, although it does seem to be shrinking... but every now and again, usually when i am going away I will pick up a copy of MBY, as I did on Thursday in a service station on the M40.

I have just spent the last 4 days reading it from cover to cover...something I never really do with MBM... and not sure what has changed, because MBY used to be full of the most ridiculous boats (to my budget anyway) and not a lot else... However this March issue, not only is it circa 160 pages as opposed to circa 130/140 pages for MBM, it just had a load of articles that were interesting to me, a pretty averagely poor boat owner.... so thanks MBY/IPC for making a mundane 4 day break with the in-laws an awful lot better! :)

BTW I have not been paid/bribed to say this (...yet) :eek:

Richard Shead

Slipped Anchor
14 Aug 2007
Time Inc.
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I subscribe to MBM, and look forward to getting that through the door every month, although it does seem to be shrinking... but every now and again, usually when i am going away I will pick up a copy of MBY, as I did on Thursday in a service station on the M40.

I have just spent the last 4 days reading it from cover to cover...something I never really do with MBM... and not sure what has changed, because MBY used to be full of the most ridiculous boats (to my budget anyway) and not a lot else... However this March issue, not only is it circa 160 pages as opposed to circa 130/140 pages for MBM, it just had a load of articles that were interesting to me, a pretty averagely poor boat owner.... so thanks MBY/IPC for making a mundane 4 day break with the in-laws an awful lot better! :)

BTW I have not been paid/bribed to say this (...yet) :eek:

lets turn it around, how much are you going to pay us not to show this to the in-laws...;)