MBChat, I've changed my mind!


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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MBChat, I\'ve changed my mind!

Right, 48 hours standing back, and Motor Boat Chat seems to have turned... DULL. In my humble opinion, anyway.

So, completely against wot I sed earlier (!).......probly time for a motorboat not-chatty forum ...where peeps can post slightly PBO stuff as they have done for the last 2 days.....somewhere else!!

I wd prefer a forum where its' a bit interestin. With the risk of a joke! Or at last smirk! The bar name thread was ok, but other stuff: Dull! Very dull indeed.

MBC (change the name if you want after a week or 2 to "boaters lounge" or such, but leave the post history here, please, Kim)

These will be postively encouraged. BUT not loads and loads of jokes allripped off from elsewhere on the net? Oh well, alright, but loads and loads (and loads) of jokes under friday humaour, or monday or er any other day humour.
The acceptabilty test of is the joke is ok is if you'd laugh ( a bit) even if you were the object of the joke. This means no (crap) blue jokes, and no racist jokes. Except against germans, obviously. Oops, well maybe not ? Anyway, americans ok, esp fat americans. But not jokes all v nasty bout sailyboaters, or motorboaters.

Any boaty things
These very much encouraged BUT er well no buts at all really. The Where Do I Find Press Studs question (which I originally thort was a wind-up) is out of the way, so this should be ok. Good chance of a serious question being properly answered. BUT not allowed to prefix "serious" or "get lost with jokes" or " no timewasters" or suchlike. Help to provided if available, else vaguely relevant help, else possible joke, or all the above.

Daft postings
This also permitted, but expect a light flaming, tittering in the background a bit, but not too much, or if too much, apology to be sent by private message at least. EG sorry for being a bit of a tit not knowing wot the rudders do last week etc. etc.

Yes, a bit. ..but of course eventually you'll have to come clean and say" aha I spoofed you" after which you'll get ribbed to bits, for ever.

Of course. But, not stupid newbies, or haughty newbies expecting chop chop answers without thread drift. Flaming of newbies not allowed untill after they go ape "eg what gives you the right.." or if it seems that safest and best wd be to frighten v silly newbie off the idea of boats altogether.

Thread drift
Permittes, unless it gets very silly or very horrid as above. A bit horrid is ok, but natch no personal stuff. Talking of horrid here's a joke I ripped off from somewhere else...

Bloke lying in bed in hospital, wife turns up. Wife asks what he's thinking. "I was just thinking about us" he says. "Oh really? what, my dear?" she says. "Well," he says, with tears in his eyes "I remembered how I lost my job, and you stood by me. And how I started business, but it failed, and you stood by me. And how we then lost the house, and again you stood by me. And how now I had a car crash, and here you are again, standing by me". Wife goes all weepy"So what are you trying to say, my darling?". The bloke turns to her and says "You're obviously a f*&$&&ng jinx , why don't you eff off and leave me alone!"
er anyway, that's agreeable, as far as I'm concerned.

"In" jokes
Permitted. But er please explain some of them, to me anyway.

Stupid boat stories/questions
Stories will include all the money you have wasted on things, including boatie things, and so on. Discussions thereof. Crap/good places to visit, dreadful happenings, wife-on-boat problems, hubbie-on boat problems, kiddie problems, doggie problems, also mudwrestling, er foxy-boxing and such-and-such.

Unrelated rubbish
also welcome, provided it doesn't take over utterly. Unless it turn out to be more interesting than boats, which it possibly might, specially in blimmin february.

Your website/hols/pics/boat
Very very interesting and welcome, as everyone on every pontoon in the known universe would love to have a good root round your boat, especially to see if its in a worse state than theirs, thereby saving washing or tidying, and to generally satisfy their pointless noseyness.

All welcome. Permitted terminolgy will be raggies, rag and stickies, laundry merchants, stickmen, sailyboaters, rag-and-stick merchants, stinkpotter, dieselheads, petrolheads, stinkies, ragpotters, and other non-combative labels, but no nastiness. There will be no resolution of whether powerboats or sailing yachts are better/crapper except for that loony idiot last week who....

This will be forbidden. "Out of order" or too-filthy jokes will be canned. But, I am hoping that Kim (who still has the golden padlocks) will start umpteen new forums:

The very-PC "Gosh isn't boating really MUCH MUCH more interesting than sex or drinking?" forum.

The Lurkers forum, for the very worried and frightened

The Complaint Forum, for all the complaints (why didn't Kim think of this?)

The Anode forum (except for wife electrocution stories, which should be here)

The electric/mechanics forum for peeps who want to talk techno but haven't got
time or a decent modem/Internet conexxion to spin past the jokes.


Re: MBChat, I\'ve changed my mind!

So the brain and the set of jump leads walk into the pub and go up to the bar. The brain says "two pints of lager, please". "Sorry, I'm not serving you," says the barman. "Why not?" asks the brain.

"Well, you're out of your skull already, and your mate looks like he's about to start something..."

Although obviously not a boat, because you'd need something much more heavy duty, and anyway, there's a problem jump starting a dead domestic battery bank because of something or other.


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4 Jul 2001
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Re: MBChat, I\'ve changed my mind!


Am I right in taking from your post that you suggest this forum stays as it is but gets renamed to imply more of a general boaty chit chat sort of place and, another is created aimed at the more serious boaty people or real boaty questions?

If so sounds a good idea as nothing changes here, also creates a place for the more serious questions. Sorted.


Re: Anodes r Us

It was all ticking along so nicely for a while there, wasn't it? Some good boaty stuff, some good jokes, some good badinage, a touch a frotage, and everyone (apart from a handful of moaning types who seemed to have washed up here rather than on the shores of the PBO forum) was happy. Then the Kimatollah decided to punish us all for having too much fun and taking compromising photos of him at the forum party, and hey press-stud, it's "anodes r us". Zzzzz.

Still don't see the need to split the forum, just need to lively it up with some decent postings. So stop sulking all you thread-drifters, jokers and p*ss-takers, and get this forum back to it's old informative yet irreverent self.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: frotage, Massaccio

Ooh frotage sounds good. What is it? I think i'll need two tins and a big contraption to do it properly, and probably far to many people ignore it these days. Or overdo it, which harms the gelcoat or cold starting perhaps.

Is it like "careening" which i finally found out is leaning boats over in the olden days to sort out the leaky bits and coverem with copper a bit, summink like that.

Oh and I saw that massaccio was a jolly good painter. No cheating with backgrounds of classical architectuire to make the painting look 3d, he did all the shading properly like da Vinci, tho erm no quite that good, or mebbe didn't get a decent contract. So praps frotage is a bit painty?


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16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: Anodes r Us

"Kimatollah decided to punish us all for having too much fun and taking compromising photos of him at the forum party"

Punish 'us'. Where were you on the night in question? If I am not mistaken, 'wimping out big time' will henceforth be known as the 'Masaccio manouevre', or did you get detained by police on the way out of W&P for the purposes of helping to defuse the bomb? I think your public should be told.

Associate Publisher ybw.com websites kim_hollamby@ipcmedia.com


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Fight!

Ooh. But who was it came back, sat down quietly and talked to a work colleague all night, but she evidently preferred making loony drinks and leaping over the furntiure? Hmm? Whilst Massaccio very wisely avoided another MattS/tcm night of chair-related shame.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Go on then

Let's have the complaints, lurkers and Anode forums. Go on, create forum, insert, type name of forum...dead easy

or is it a computer problem? - you can't find the MAYBE key when it asks "are you sure?"


Re: frottage, Masaccio

Ooops...that should have been frottage with a double "t". A bit painty, but also a bit panty, too. PaulineB was doing quite a lot of it at the weekend, apparently. Or watching other people do it in between reading her book and swilling gin.

Probably Masaccio's contract to blame for inferior shading. Was doubtless working in a creative void, surrounded by time-serving, pension-planning, arse-covering, creatively-challenged idiots, who couldn't spot genius if it bit their collective bum. Or something.


Re: Anodes r Us

You forget...I'VE seen Matts in action at 3am before. And on that occasion three armed policemen turned up and insisted that we all be quiet, stop hitting the Scouser, and behave ourselves.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Masaccio on Wed Jan 23 11:27:25 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


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21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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Re: MBChat, I\'ve changed my mind!

Tcm - sorry, but I became bored after your first couple of paras and went to something else. Please precis your postings:)


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Business as usual?

Agreed kind of, but what you're asking for is "business as usual" . At least business as it was a few days ago, before it got a bit dull becuase of people refraining from posting banter due to telling off?

Rules about jokes etc all fine. Any change of name not a prob.

Also quite happy with anodes forum etc, if it keeps happy those people who want it. It wont affect me as wont go there, neither will anyone else IMHO (other than a few peeps who lurk PBO due to it being too bantery, but might be enticed out by a more serious and focussed "anode" forum and praps also a "bilge pump" forum and a "3/8th whitworth" forum and and..... lots of other salami)


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9 Jul 2001
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Re: The Forum Forum

I suggest we keep things as they are but then create another Forum called 'The Forum'. This is a place where people can spend hours deliberating over the names, rules and structures of fora. It could of course be called Nero if this met with approval!