Mast Deck Collar - Help with Urethane


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2 Jan 2023
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2001 Grand Soleil 46.3

Ok, I have a new 20 meter keel stepped mast to install, but upon delivery, I find the mast maker did not send (and does not make) a deck collar for this mast profile at all. I am baffled by this, but I need to figure out the best way to attach my old modified, or newly created(if needed) deck collar. The new mast is about 1cm bigger and so I will need to widen the old deck collar or fabricate something new.

I am trying to keep roughly with the Sparcraft system I had, which had the deck collar, urethane wedge, and top piece to tighten it all together.

The problem I have is what to use in the middle for the wedge. The closest thing here is tubes of black urethane, because there is no two part I can find anywhere near, and I cannot fly with two part urethane, so it is months away. There is also 2 part epoxy and 2 part fibreglass resin, but I am not sure about using something that is completely hard, as then I cannot remove the mast in the future, at least without crazy troubles.

Or I guess I can go wooden wedges, but that seems crazy to me on a modern 20 meter mast. But what do I really know?

I know if I follow their advice and skip the collar entirely, I will have no place to tie down my many lines that enter the mast. Even more stuff to drill into my deck?

Advice? I hope🤞 How do I install this deck collar people? I'm at a bit of a loss.

Pictures are the OLD collar and urethane(I think) wedge, I cannot reuse the wedge obviously, wrong profile, probably can widen the actual metal collar.


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25 Aug 2003
On the Clyde
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It will need a generic collar or a custom one made and then a chock poured; Spartite is the system I'm familiar with but I'm sure there are others. Aside from needing to attach your lines the mast boot needs something to fasten onto. If you cannot get the right stuff where you are then wooden wedges will have do the job until you can get some delivered or sail to somewhere it can be obtained, they're just a bit fiddly; anything that sets hard like epoxy isn't suitable.