

Well-known member
16 May 2001
South coast
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What happened about all those problems with your engines in the end?

And did you decide whether you were going to base the boat on the coast?



16 May 2001
Visit site

Well the good news is that the engine was replaced and the boat was tested and trucked back to Marlow where we have a mooring paid for until Mar 02. However, Sowester Simpson Lawrence (Mercruiser UK Distributor) are in receivership and the reclaimed expenses for transport are, despite being agreed, being held up as no one knows how to write a cheque!.. IMHO Mercruiser should never have trusted thier UK business to this lot in the first place, so bitter sweet feelings about that.

On the mooring decision.

If the boat is given another years license without anymore work being required by the Barmy Stupid S**s managing the BSS then we will do a part Thames Part Coast combination i.e.
Cheap mooring on the Upper Thames from Mar to July (Henley regatta/festival weeks) with transport to our chosen coastal area for 2 months of summer (last 2 weeks jul through to the First 2 weeks of sep) then back to the Thames for last part of the season and winter storage. This gives everyone what they want.

On the Thames you can relax a bit and bimble along without worrying about tides, weather, getting back to the car etc. Those friends of ours (mostly wives of ?) that are a bit worried about the sea/sickness can come and vist the boat where it pretty much remains rock steady and you don't need to keep stashing everything away every time you leave the mooring.

Then on the coast, we get to fly along, blow the cobwebs out of the engines, speakers and my bonce (navigation?) and enjoy dashin around from place to place. Beaches for the kids, seafood for the grown ups! luverly jubly.

But....god knows what we will do if we don't get the license. Will no doubt will involve countless calls and arguments like last time and we won't now until quite late to arrange marina's but am not going to make final decision until upper thames is a definate NO.

On a FRED DRIFT note. I still stay we should all band together , kick the rusting "Tattershal Castle" off its mooring and replace it with a load of pontoons. With all tides states entry and exit, "the London Marina" would be great. Any takers?