Marinas in Greece


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Last Friday afternoon at Levkas I would have had to agree with you. I was coming north through the canal heading for Corfu. On entering there was a long and slow moving queue of yachts ahead. In fact it stretched the entire 3 miles of the canal! I started to overtake but then people started screaming abuse at us, ordering us to get in line. They were all charter yachts queuing to get into the marina, and presumably they thought I was the same. By the time I came level with the marina entrance, it was complete gridlock, mishandled yachts all over the place, with three workboats frantically trying to keep them apart and get them organised. So we worked outside the line of buoys to pass by. What a relief to reach the final stretch up to the swing-bridge, where we were entirely on our own.

This was as unpleasant behaviour as I've encountered in the overcrowded Ionian. And it isn't even high season!

Andrew what have I told you about jumping queues it's not British :)

Having met you Andrew and no doubt your a real gent , I can imagine how this would had upset you , I probably would had remove my red ensign put up an old Germany flag waved a towel about while at the same time played loudly the tune from Kelly heroes .
At the same time ducking to miss last night giros leftover being thrown at me . :)


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Joking apart my last posting .
It's sad to have to say there are some that's been sailing in Greece for some years and won't have any thing bad said about it , they seen blind and only see parts that suit them , it's a real shame because if they opened there eye it may encourage them to try else where .
I always looked at both side of the story when I post here or any where else I may post , no matter where I cruise , I mostly post for the benefit of others that may follow and believe me there so many novices out there now they need all the help they can get .
Greece for us has become a bit like the rat race ,
racing from one place to another to find a good spot before the crowed turn up although once they do your good spot is no longer ,
The peace and quiet of anchorages has been replace with loud mouth and loud music of mostly charters but not all some summer cruisers have a lot to answer for .
If I not arguing with PP because that they are reading the law wrong then it's some guy trying to take money for mooring which is not entitled too or some guy who set him self up as a rope man . Let's not forget charter skipper who seen to think just because they arrived at a harbour before you they have the monopoly to save the whole wall for there fleet . That's not to say all flotillas skippers are the same , has some are very helpful and considerate to other cruisers .
Add all that to the red tape now involved with the tax , the tax it self plus the threat of fines ,
Greece in no way come top of my cruising list has a cruiser.
I sure others who have marina contract and come and go back home within the summer season it may suite them quite well .
It may also suite other with a full time marina in a country near by with only limit weeks summer cruising .
Sadden to say until things change in Greece other then using it as a pass by country to get to better places it lose my vote .