Mainsheet jammer, easy release


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15 Nov 2005
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Our Elan has a mainsail of about 28M2 and is relatively tender so it is important to be able to release the main quickly in a gust. The mainsheet track is bridgedeck mounted and a conventional 6 part sheet with a jammer on the bottom block. In a blow it is sometimes difficult to pull the sheet out of the jammer, hence the question.
For years we had a Spinlock PXR jammer which is brilliant as there is no effort at all to release but the springs have gone so it is dead and Spinlock no longer produce one that will take the12 mm rope so we are back to cam cleat.
Is there any difference between different makes of cam cleat for this issue?
One solution might beto replace the sheet with 10mm that PXR jammers are available for but I feel that that is rather a small rope to handle, there is quite a bit of tension to get the main in properly.
Any ideas or has anyone a spare old 12 mm PXR lying in their garage they could supply me?
Spinlock PXR Cam Cleat | Force 4 Chandlery


Well-known member
24 Mar 2015
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If you can’t find a PXR, my camcleat of choice is the Harken one with aluminium jaws. On cleats with plastic jaws the teeth can wear and lose their grip when under load.