Magic Or What? Non-Boaty


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23 Sep 2002
The glorious South
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Alright then, for those who have't sussed, this is how its done

The numbers in each decile ie 90's, 80's, 70's etc all produce the same answer when you add the digits together and subtract from the original as instructed eg

98 - (9+8) = 81
93 - (9+3) = 81
Well, when you think about it, they would, wouldn't they.
The rest are 80's = 72
70's = 63
60's = 54
50's = 45 and so on

Now these 'key numbers' are the only ones in the table that matter. All the rest are bumpf. Now look carefully - in any one version of the table (remember 'version' - this is important) every key number has the same symbol. So no matter which number you pick, you will get the same symbol. So you don't really get a choice at all. The really clever bit is when you click the button for another go, the symbol associated with the key numbers actually changes, creating the illusion of some sort of randomness and diverting the attention of smart-arses from examining the content of the table in detail.

ps jimi gets first prize, PM'ed me within minutes
pps I was sent this without the answer and had to work it out for myself
<font color=blue>ppps Byron - are you trying to tell me you didn't get that bottle of wine I sent over to your table last Friday? Perhaps Folley got it first!</font color=blue>

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Active member
12 Dec 2002
North Ayrshire/ Glencoe
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That seem a heck off a long explanation for the solution,

Basically all answers are dividable by 9, so if every 9th sysmbol is the same then you can't go wrong.


Simple really. And i failed my maths at school.

<hr width=100% size=1>CHEERS.

Help needed to name new boat, PLEASE.


New member
23 Sep 2002
The glorious South
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Just catering for all audiences, Alistairr. All I did was paste in the explanation I had written out for my 9 year old grandson. Assumed you were the same mental age...........

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