Lurkers !


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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We all know that for every Forum Contributor there's a dozen or so Lurkers. C'mon Mr, Miss and Mrs Lurker you must have interesting anecdotes to relate and your opinions are valuable too.
Let's hear from you. . . PLEASE!


28 Apr 2010
With the singing potatoes and a mexican midget
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Speaking as a dedicated lurker of this forum I don't spend enough time monitoring threads to engage in any form conversation. By the time I pick up on an interesting topic any relevant point has usually already been made by other formalities often ad nauseum or whoever you say it in Greek.

Happy Dayz

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13 Jun 2016
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Speaking as a dedicated lurker of this forum I don't spend enough time monitoring threads to engage in any form conversation. By the time I pick up on an interesting topic any relevant point has usually already been made by other formalities often ad nauseum or whoever you say it in Greek.
Then start your own threads and beat them to it ;).


Lon nan Gruagach

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12 Mar 2015
Isle of Eigg
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That'll be me then, bona_fide lurker.
But* I am quite a long way from the Thames and dont feel its right to contribute (unless drawn out by threads like this). You might ask "why even read the forum?" Good question but I access the YBW forums mainly by the "new posts" link.

* An apology that contains the word "but" is not an apology but an excuse (had that one drummed into me by a very fierce English teacher)


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5 Sep 2010
Alness / Black Isle Northern Scottish Highlands.
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I'm another lurker on here. My present boat is a small sail boat on the sea, but I like all sorts of boats and used to live in Oxfordshire near the Thames and have done a little boating on the river, but I have done a lot more inland boating on narrowboats on the canals.

I might come on here sometimes to defend narrowboats because there is nothing wrong with them, they are a specific type of boat designed to the dimensions of the canals. They are popular therefore as they can travel the entire network and not be stuck on one river.

It is some OWNERS of narrowboats that you have a justifiable complaint about, and not the fact the vessel happens to be a narrowboat, there are plenty of decent folk in narrowboats.

There got that off my chest.

No Regrets

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9 Jul 2007
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Lurkers are, in my extensive experience of Forums (Early Internet days!) too boring or lazy to post, or are i fact just lazy users who can't be R'sed to do anything for anybody.

A total waste of electricity.

No apologies either, Either get posting (Something, Anything!?) or go away. :ambivalence:


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23 Jun 2012
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Lurkers are, in my extensive experience of Forums (Early Internet days!) too boring or lazy to post, or are i fact just lazy users who can't be R'sed to do anything for anybody.

A total waste of electricity.

No apologies either, Either get posting (Something, Anything!?) or go away. :ambivalence:

Maybe a tad harsh, the forums are similar to the river, as a newby you see many experienced people around you, some greet you with opem arms, some sneer at your little 40 year old 19ft boat. You enter a lock full of 35ft+ craft with experienced crews, terrified your going to get things an inch wrong, coming on here can be very similar, we can't contribute because we haven't the experience to know whats being discussed, so we lurk, reading, absorbing and hopefully learning.


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1 Oct 2012
Anywhere on the Thames
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I thought the forum was all about sharing knowlege and information, not for the narrow minded to have a pop for potty reasons. I welcome everyone to the river, learn, enjoy, stay and speak if you wish. Size is of no importance as my wife reminds me daily so just get afloat and have fun.

Worry not about cocking up in a lock chamber, the mistakes of novices keep the lock staff amused! And me so thank you for that.


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26 May 2004
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Lurkers are, in my extensive experience of Forums (Early Internet days!) too boring or lazy to post, or are i fact just lazy users who can't be R'sed to do anything for anybody.

A total waste of electricity.

No apologies either, Either get posting (Something, Anything!?) or go away. :ambivalence:

Utter rubbish,

Satisfied I have posted


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20 Dec 2001
Somewhere in the Med!
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Sadly I have met many people who won't contribute because there is so much rudeness these days on forums like these that they feel whatever they say it will be replied to in a offensive and derogatory manner!

cereal tiller

15 Apr 2011
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Sadly I have met many people who won't contribute because there is so much rudeness these days on forums like these that they feel whatever they say it will be replied to in a offensive and derogatory manner!

The seventh post on this thread sums it up

Plain rudeness,I signed up several years ago but stopped posting when at least one member and recently,a Moderator
Expressed their dislike for Canal craft
Using terminology such as Plague and hate narrowboats is less than condusive to positive discussion.


Well-known member
20 Oct 2014
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I think many 'lurkers' will feel inhibited to post anywhere on ybw because there is a cadre of members who are rude and hostile to those who do not have a high post count, as though 'talking a lot' was a benchmark of worthwhile activity.


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22 Aug 2014
south bucks
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Well I have learnt a huge amount from these fora, from people with far more boating experience and knowledge than my own. The site really is a valuable resource and I hope it doesn't get side tracked by the pedants.
Being an owner of a planing motorboat (who doesn't lift fenders between locks) a keen sailor, occasional canoeist, former oarsman and part-time angler I reckon I'm best keeping my opinions to myself ��


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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......and Byrons post has encouraged a few folks to step out of the the woodwork and express some opinions regards this YBW freebee and most probably forums in general.
The only point of this forum existing is to allow folks with similar interests to exchange views and to further their enjoyment of their chosen hobby.
Although having been boating for many years,my horizons were very limited :) until sticking my nose onto this form and asking for assistance.
The Thames was beyond my comfort zone,until a old curmugeon replied to my post and said, If you get your boat round to Teddington we will meet you and show you around.
So we risked life and limb and went round.
It did actually confirm my suspicions that the Thames exists in some sort of time warp but the inhabitants are actually human and will talk to you when not busy dashing between locks,operating their bow thrusters or parking in the middle of lock laybys using what look like bits of old string for mooring lines.
Thoroughly enjoyed every last moment.
The NB conundrum.
To all narrowboaters, the feeling of nobody loves us,so am not going to post is not going to change anything.
You need to get in there and defend your corner.
Better to know what it is that gets other boaters whinging and offer to do something about it than suffer in silence.
Things are changing and you are becoming a more and more important source of income on the river.
The funding of the waterways is changing and the Thames has long enjoyed a level of service that every other navigation could not even dream was possible.
Your money will be vital in keeping all the things the gin palace owners love in place.

Ps.The Medway welcomes all boaters[with exceptions) and the 3 Million quid being spent on refurbing East Farleigh lock almost completes the long term plan of upgrading improving both moorings and locks on the navigation.
Our long term goal is of course a lock keeper at every lock or at the very least all locks powered and 24 hour on demand at Allington.
A half tide lock lock would be nice and err.......
Last edited:


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
I suspect that calling it the Thames Forum doesn't help with the "and other inland waterways" only appearing as a strapline.
I am very sad to see this issue raising its head again. The Thames Forum was set up by YBW because I asked if we could have just that - a Forum for those using The Thames and in particular, at that time , the non tidal/EA managed bit. That was what I wanted and many others agreed and we gradually built it to become what I honestly believe is a valuable asset.
Because of complaints about there being other inland waterways I suggested to YBW that we add the "and other inland waterways" strapline but I did not believe - and still don't - that it would be particularly valuable in that way as there are other well established forums, such as Canalworld, that exist for that purpose and embrace the whole C&RT arena of waterways. They have the population to support their areas of interest in the same way that we have Thames knowledge and expertise.
Some may have noticed that I do not post here as often as I used to. I have to admit that is, at least in part, because I am unhappy with the lack of tolerance and aggressive tone that has gradually crept in over recent years. I hope we can collectively recognise this is harming the forum and try and ensure it is kept under control.
I have no truck with anti anything sectors of the boating fraternity. The Thames is a remarkable and highly valued resource and I have tried hard to encourage anything and everything that helps to keep it alive and available for our enjoyment. The threats we face from governmental attitudes to funding and all that entails are immense and what we need more than anything is declared support from boaters, not petty warring among ourselves.
Nuff said.


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26 May 2004
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I am very sad to see this issue raising its head again. The Thames Forum was set up by YBW because I asked if we could have just that - a Forum for those using The Thames and in particular, at that time , the non tidal/EA managed bit. That was what I wanted and many others agreed and we gradually built it to become what I honestly believe is a valuable asset.
Because of complaints about there being other inland waterways I suggested to YBW that we add the "and other inland waterways" strapline but I did not believe - and still don't - that it would be particularly valuable in that way as there are other well established forums, such as Canalworld, that exist for that purpose and embrace the whole C&RT arena of waterways. They have the population to support their areas of interest in the same way that we have Thames knowledge and expertise.
Some may have noticed that I do not post here as often as I used to. I have to admit that is, at least in part, because I am unhappy with the lack of tolerance and aggressive tone that has gradually crept in over recent years. I hope we can collectively recognise this is harming the forum and try and ensure it is kept under control.
I have no truck with anti anything sectors of the boating fraternity. The Thames is a remarkable and highly valued resource and I have tried hard to encourage anything and everything that helps to keep it alive and available for our enjoyment. The threats we face from governmental attitudes to funding and all that entails are immense and what we need more than anything is declared support from boaters, not petty warring among ourselves.
Nuff said.
