Lifejackets for the ankle biters....


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31 Aug 2010
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Christmas is coming.....

3 young bairns who will sail for the first time, in a 'big' boat, next year...

What are my best options for comfort & safety (safety & comfort)...

Advice most welcome - having looked at the catelogues my choices are massive, could do with some practical opinions please:)


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21 Mar 2009
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Mine are younger but have got auto inflate jobbies - they like them 'cos they are comfortable, so they wear them and actually insist on putting them on themselves. Tried BA's and the foam things but it was a waste of time 'cos they fought gainst wearing them so kids on the boat was in danger of not being enjoyable.

They clip on too, and are both getting on with their swimming 'cos I've told them when they can swim twice around the boat they don't have to wear their lifejackets when they go into the cockpit.

I seem to recall Force 4 had some "buy two cheaply" deals on a while back.


New member
23 Jun 2004
Me: Castle Douglas, SW Scotland. Boats: Kirkcudbri
Christmas is coming.....

3 young bairns who will sail for the first time, in a 'big' boat, next year...

What are my best options for comfort & safety (safety & comfort)...

Advice most welcome - having looked at the catelogues my choices are massive, could do with some practical opinions please:)

I have been told that automatic lifejackets are not suitable for the very young, because the inflation can damage their necks. That's why nobody makes them - The Crew wears a Baltic foam lifejacket with built in harness. He seems comfy in it.

When he gets a bit older I'll buy him an automatic one with harness.


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31 Oct 2002
Hants, UK
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2nd the Seachild range for the smaller ones: no infation to worry about, integrated harness & foam to protect in a fall. We used them when the kids were smaller. But, the 12 yr old is now too big now has a child's auto-inflate. 9yr old has just had his last season in a Seachild as he's outgrown it too, he gets one like his brother next spring.

Half Moon

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4 Oct 2009
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life jacket or harness for the kids

Our experience with toddlers was that it was much better to use a" full "child harness ( crotch strap / both shoulders in addition to chest with D ring) with a length of strong line measured to keep the rug rat in the boat. The hard rule was you can't leave the cabin unless you are harnessed and the line clipped to the ring bolt. Always thought it was better to have the future attached to the boat than floating off the stern.
A second reason is that you are wrapping the little body in the best insulation we have produced!!! Fine if you are in nasty conditions, but in pleasant and especially warm to hot temps, watch for over heating / heat stroke. With a full harness and line, you can always add the jacket if conditions deteriorate.

Fair winds, _/l)

PS; same concept for our dogs-we have a harness that a boat hook/gaff can secure and lift if they go over.. Dogs control heat by panting- why wrap their chest with:) insulation(closed cell foam) if it is not storm level conditions??


28 Mar 2009
I took my 3 year old to the swimming pool asked the life guard if I could test his life jacket foam type. Picked up child dropped him in the pool. He came up ok. May seem a bit harsh but if you do not trust the life jacket in a pool, then it's no good out in cold water.