Length of anchor chain + number of anchors


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25 Nov 2007
Ostend, Belgium
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(For long range cruising with 45 ft yacht...) how long should my anchor chain reasonably be? I think it's too long now, some 50 meters or so.
In addition, my boat after trip to caribbean with previous owner has 3 anchors. Is that not exaggerated?


Well-known member
20 Oct 2004
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50m is not at all long for a 45' boat. It's not as though the weight matters much with a boat that size unless it's a multuhull.

Where are you cruising to? Remember in some places, like the Bristol Channel, there can be 18m of tide rise and fall. That context makes 50m seem small. I would say 50m minimum and maybe go to 80m.

3 anchors of different types is again not excessive for a 45' boat that may be anchoring in many different bottom types. If you have them already and have the space, keep them.

In conditions like this, I think you would be glad that you got a bit more chain than the minimum you thought you could get away with...

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Well-known member
29 Jul 2009
Winter in Falmouth, summer on board Rampage.
FWIW we have 80 metres of 8mm chain and a Rocna on Rampage, along with a Guardian with 10 m of chain and fifty of rope. There's a third Danforth type anchor buried in a locker if required. We've used both the main and Guardian on occasions to sit out a blow, so you've perhaps got the right number of anchors but not enough chain......


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
We've just upgraded to 80 metres of chain. It's 10mm with a Spade anchor. The kedge is a Fortress with 10 metres of chain and fifty metres of nylon warp. Lots more warp available if necessary.

Boat is 39' or so and we're heading off to do similar things to the op one of these days.


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26 Jan 2004
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Just an example , we needed to get off a quay which we was on at 0100 this morning , has a very large swell decided to enter the harbour , anchoring off the beach the shallow we could find not to be on the beach once anchored was 30 mts , worked it out for your self we just about managed it .
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Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
My boat is 34 ft. In the Mediterranean we found 50 metres to be insufficient and increased to about 65. For blue water I would say you need at least 80 metres, quite probably more. We carry three anchors plus a small grapnel, you need at least the same. A couple of months ago the YM Blue Water supplement carried an article by me on anchors and gear. It might pay you to look it up.


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26 Jun 2013
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Round the Atlantic I've survived on 60m chain plus another 50 odd metres of octaplait spliced on for those occasional deep anchorages.
3 anchors not in the least unusual, good oversize new gen on the bow, half decent back up plus a fortress must be a common setup.

Electric windlass with remote is enormously useful :)

Azores are lovely. So's canaries though neither are dripping with nice anchorages.


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1 Dec 2007
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I don't think length of boat has anything to do with it, although you can probably fit more gear on the bigger boat. The length of rode is a function of depth in which you anchor and, provided the size and weight of anchors and rode is chosen according to boat size and weight, you don't need more scope for the bigger boat.

FFIW on the main anchor we have a 120m rode comprising 60m of chain and the rest rope. Some v. experienced people advocate more chain, possibly of a lighter but higher grade to keep strength equal, and less warp but still all would, I suspect, agree that you frequently need up to 60m of scope and occasionally more. We tend to anchor in north Atlantic waters and carry 4 anchors: a 25kg bower, a 20kg spare of the same design, a big Fortress on mixed chain - rope and a 60lb (so ~25kg) fisherman's, also on 30m chain + 60m rope. Frankly we've never needed this latter monster and I'm not at all sure it's worth its space in the locker!
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Well-known member
10 Nov 2008
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This is the first time that I've ever heard someone wishing they had fewer anchors and less chain. I think when the OP finds himself anchored in a blow, he may change his mind.
It depends where he gets to, but sailing a 36ft boat on the West of Scotland, I have a 20kg Bruce, a 7.5?kg Fortress, and a 20kg Fisherman, with 65m of 10mm chain for the bower (Bruce), and shorter length chain and plenty warps for other anchors.


Well-known member
1 Dec 2007
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This is the first time that I've ever heard someone wishing they had fewer anchors and less chain. I think when the OP finds himself anchored in a blow, he may change his mind.
It depends where he gets to, but sailing a 36ft boat on the West of Scotland, I have a 20kg Bruce, a 7.5?kg Fortress, and a 20kg Fisherman, with 65m of 10mm chain for the bower (Bruce), and shorter length chain and plenty warps for other anchors.

Who is that then?


Well-known member
15 Aug 2002
Gone Sailing -in Greece for a while
(For long range cruising with 45 ft yacht...) how long should my anchor chain reasonably be? I think it's too long now, some 50 meters or so.
In addition, my boat after trip to caribbean with previous owner has 3 anchors. Is that not exaggerated?

So I think it too short. I've anchored in 55knts of wind and I was glad of everything I had out. We carry 3 anchors. Main anchor is on 85m of chain, second is 30m of chain 110m warp, and the 3rd 10m chain and 70m warp.

In the Caribbean you can usually anchor in 3 or 4m of water in f4 or so - so you don't need much more than 20 or 30 m of chain. In Brittany I've anchored in 30m depth (after allowing for tides) and is Scotland often in 10 to 15m depth. The question is what happened when you have to anchor in deeper water or bad weather is coming through? It is up to you I several boats that have completed an Atlantic circuit and never anchored in deep water or bad weather. It is up to you


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1 Feb 2010
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44 ft mono 2 x 210ft 3/8th chain each backed up with 200 ft rope rode 55lb Rocna 60 lb CQR

Kedge is a 37lb Fortress on rope.

Remember when it is 3am pitch black, raining buckets and a 50 knots squall blows through NOBODY says " Hmm we need a smaller anchor and less chain."

I have 100 meters 10 mm chain backed up by 100 meters octoplait on our main 35 kg Ultra anchor.

+ We have a secondary 35 kg CQR with 30 meters 10 mm chain backed with 100 meters of octoplait

+ We have a stern 15 kg Danforth with 30 meters 8 mm chain and 100 meters octoplait.

Recently in Arki GR, we used 96 meters of our main anchor chain with 2 100+ meters of lines ashore. Anchoring/mooring solutions might not be the place where you want to compromise.. (Opinion)



Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Temptress ,hope you don't mind me picking up on the last bit of your posting
" I several boats that have completed an Atlantic circuit and never anchored in deep water or bad weather. It is up to you "
Just like you I know at less five couple now who sailed all the way from the UK to the Med and not spend one night at anchor using marinas each time they stop , they have just been lucky just like the people you have met .
I am sure you agree that none of us want to anchor in deep water or in a blow if we didn't have to but the fact is if you are going to cruising you should be prepared in case that time comes .
I know it happened to us many a time , just has I posted here the other night , I suppose we could had motored in the swell for 15 miles to the next anchorage but having enough chain meant we didn't have to and by 0200 one hour later we was back in bed .
Going off long distain cruising isn't any thing like going off on your two weeks summer cruising and I don't meant no disrespect by that , when they are sailing areas that they know well this is where there a lot of confusing in these posting and different of options and arguments at times given by weekend sailor and experiences cruising sailors who sail to places unknown to them not knowing what they will find , like your self .
Has you said in the last part of you posting , " it is up to them "
Like you we also carry three anchors and in the last six years alone we had to laid Two anchor serval times .