Laying Teak strips


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4 Oct 2002
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I've decided to have a go at laying some teak strips on 2 cockpit seats and the anchor locker lid (all nice and flat) but I'm not sure where to buy the strips etc that I need.
Any suggestions on the best place to buy and what is involved (is there a kit you can buy?.


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Subject Teak Decks

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17 Jan 2002
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This is a satisfying but time consuming task. My advice, based on doing my own locker lids / decking and after reading the books: I used think teak (5mm or so) with epoxy - (NB. There is an alternative way, using thicker strips held with screws in a bed of sikaflex or similar, but I don't have any experience to advise you on that). Buy around 20% more than you think you'll need to allow for mistakes / short offcuts. You'll need a good mitre saw to get the correct corners. Ensure all surfaces to be glued are rough but flat (80 grade paper) and that you've cleaned the teak with acetone to remove the oils. Make a frame to hold the edges in place on the locker lid and then assemble with epoxy / thickened epoxy. Hold down with weight rather than screws (I used household bricks on battens). Clean up the grooves as you go - it's terrible stuff to clean up when hard, but easy when still curing. Use polyurethane (Purflex / Sikaflex) as the groove filler. Hire / buy belt sander to clean up the mess once you've glued / groove filled. You can only really do this with good cover and heat.

An alternative to Robbins are K J Howells in Poole (cheaper I think). The latter will also make up panels for you - which might be a cost effective alternative.
Robbins have a leaflet on the subject as do West Epoxy (the latter is very useful if you've not used epoxy in this way before).
Good luck