La Rochelle


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20 Nov 2001
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I am thinking of working my way down the Biscay coast through the season and then over-wintering in La Rochelle. I liked La Rochelle as a town when I visited by road.

I quite like the idea of staying in the old harbour in the town rather than in the marina.

Does anyone have any thoughts, do's, don'ts please?


16 May 2001
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La Rochelle is a lovely old town, which we have been fortunate enough to explore and enjoy this season. We're currently berthed in Port de Minimes. The vieux port did attract us at first, but the first carnival round the edge and the constant noise soon showed us that Minimes, whilst boring architecture and excessively large, is very peaceful. The fairs, markets and street entertainment in the centre go on well into the night in summer. Whilst this provides a wide range of entertainment, it is relentlessly noisy. You may love it.

The walk/cycle along the water's edge and past all the chandelries is great, otherwise the water vedette trip from Minimes to the old port is very enjoyable The other problem with being closer in is the bridge/lock which means limited access to one of the docks.

No problems getting in at Minimes, unless there is a major race/sailing event or boat show.

We went up to the boat today - glorious sunshine if a little fresh. Shame we didn't have time to sail! Let me know if you want more details.


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17 Jun 2001
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Like Cynthia we would feel that the old harbour at La Rochelle is smelly. noisy but it is near town.

We stayed at Les Minimes before and after overwintering our boat out of the water at Daniel Grasswill (Atlanticoque) in an enclosed chantier. We cannot praise him too highly though he doesn't speak english. Beware of engineer Yannick Thibaud - we were not well served by him. Grasswill can recommend a better one.

If you are staying in the water you may prefer to be in Port St Martin - Ile St Martin or Rochefort. You would want to have a hire car for these. La Rochelle is a very pleasant town with a good winter cultural life. Try to get a tour of Maison Godet the cognac manufacturer - and eat at Chez Fred (sic) as well as the famous Bar Andres.

les Minimes is a good large marina, showers and loos ok and a variety of average chandleries within reach. There are frequent buses to town or a bicycle is a good investment. Look out for Yachtgrot near the Marine Museum as you can sometimes pick up bargains from the ex-pat Brit owners.


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9 Jul 2001
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Agree with Cynthia about noise in the centre and the tidal limitations of the Vieux Port. Minimes is a good, safe stay for the boat but it is a bit of a schlep to the town from there - and the last water taxi stops earlyish! I found the staff in the capitanerie a bit offish - one admonished (in all seriousness) my daughter at length for getting the gender of the word 'key' wrong! There is also an irritating pay-token system for showers, which I found irritating. Finally, the electricity supply needs an adaptor, which the marina doesn't supply or rent (at least they didn't in August), involving a a long walk around to the chandlers to find one, assuming they are open when you arrive. But it's a nice town with some good restaurants.


What would be the approximate cost of laying up an 8.5 metre fin keeled yacht ashore at Les Minimes over the winter of 2003 / 2004?


Sunny Jim,
Unfortunately my French is too limited to attempt a phone call.Face to face and with the aid of a dictionary I could get the information I need.Do you recall how much your winter lay up cost you? That figure,allied with how long ago you were there and the length of your vessel might give me a very rough idea of the potential cost.We had hoped to get away early in the season but due to delay in wife's retirement it looks like we will be in the vicinity of La Rochelle or Royan when the time comes to lay up.If berths ashore are like hens teeth and v.costly we may just cruise West Country / Northern Brittany and bring her back to UK for the winter and go round to the Med next year.Any information gratefully received.(Will endeavour to improve my French once we get over there!)


16 May 2001
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Can ask next time we're up there - in approx. three weeks. In the water (2003 tarif) would cost you just under £100 per month at Minimes.


Thanks for your reply - if you could let us know that would be much appreciated.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Gender rules

If you don't know the gender of something, call it a "thingy" - "un truc" pronounced
"urn trouk"

Often, you can use the plural. So, asking where are the keys, the biscuits, the toilets, the shops and so on is fine, even though you obviosuly only want one.

The lectric connexions are all part of the fun: I had 14 different electric plugs (les prises) to ensure i can connect (brancher) to the lectric on the quai.

I beleive that french marinas are bit more tip-aware than we all might think. In a smaller boat i was unaware of this, in a larger boat there was a lot more hovering, even in marseilles the chap said "normally, we get a tip!" and like it or not it does smooth things.

French learn their language in detail, like we (used to) learn Latin, all the grammar and everything. So even the shopkeepers will be very keen to help out with the subjunctive and so on. A in all, itsin't TO bad somebody correcting the grammar. Howevr, if they gave her homnework or a detention, than that's a bit OTT.

Hope this doesn't read too pro-french. Personally, I believe that the French has welched on the post-Agincourt agreement of 1416 to hand over France to us: henry V married the king of france's daughter, would have been king had not he then died just before the king of france, dang. They've been using all sorts of delaying tactics for over 500 years, so high time we do something about it, i think.


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1 Jan 2002
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Re: Gender rules

<<The lectric connexions are all part of the fun: I had 14 different electric plugs (les prises) to ensure i can connect (brancher) to the lectric on the quai.>>

shurely this is the begiining of French classes. Repeat after me 'j'ai eu quattorze trucs pour branchez les trucs aux trucs sur le truc en pierre'


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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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We spent a very wet period last summerin the Bassin des Chalutiers (carry straight on past the entrance to the Viuex Port. Didnt strike me as being as noisy as the Vieux port itself. You still have to lock in and out. It is convenient for the 'facilities'. We raced down from Jersey and the fleet was put up for free, so I cant comment on prices (I suspect we spent more than the berthing fee in the restaurants mind you).

We had a lovely return cruise until we got to Loruent - at which point an impending gale caused us to sail back to Jersey in one stint of 28 hours - but we beat a week of gales...


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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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Re: Bassin des Chalutiers

As part of a race we had pre booked space - but I suspect that you can use as and when. You need to speak to the Capitainerie to get the lock opening details. Be careful with theft - there appear to be a number of souvenir hunters around - we lost two ensigns in three days, which was a bore as 2 yard ensigns cost an absolute fortune! Otherwise we really enjoyed the atmosphere and the food.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: lines.

j'ai eu quattorze trucs pour branchez les trucs aux trucs sur le truc en pierre.
j'ai eu quattorze trucs pour branchez les trucs aux trucs sur le truc en pierre.
j'ai eu quattorze trucs pour branchez les trucs aux trucs sur le truc en pierre.
j'ai eu quattorze trucs pour branchez les trucs aux trucs sur le truc en pierre.
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j'ai eu quattorze trucs pour branchez les trucs aux trucs sur le truc en pierre.
j'ai eu quattorze trucs pour branchez les trucs aux trucs sur le truc en pierre.
j'ai eu quattorze trucs pour branchez les trucs aux trucs sur le truc en pierre.

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