Umm, what test would that be. I did the RYA power boat course a few years ago, even got the RYA safety boat endorsement. Does it make me any don't think so. But and its a big but, if they did bring in a compulsory test, I'd only have to pass it once, same as the driving test for cars.
I'd like to see the outlines for the implimentations of this test that people have been on about for a while now.
Who would administrate it?
Who would the testing body be?
Who would set the syllabus?
Where would the test examiners come from and what qualifications would they need to hold?
What would it do to premiums the insurance companies charge. Then if we're all bonafide licence holders, would our boats need to be Taxed to use the water as our cars are to use the road.
Then if the boats need to be 'taxed' would they need an equivalent to the MOT, maybe the BSS goes someway towards that already.
And last but not least, If the government implimented this for us stinkies. What would they impliment for you raggies. As I'm often reminded by various sailyboat types 'you need to know more about the rules and boatcraft and sailing to be a proper raggie'. So if we get all the above, what will the sailyboat people get, because by their own admission, its harder to sail a raggie than 'drive' a stinkpot.
So when alls said and done, who should worry more, us stinkpotters or you raggies!
<Oh alright, a little nibble then, but the boat licence thingy, na, not gonna bite on that. Well maybe not yet.>
Didn't take long then, did it? /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Nice picture .... When will that be Kimmerised?
<A target="_blank" HREF=></A> - now showing at a computer near you<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by stingo on 04/02/2003 23:24 (server time).</FONT></P>
Flap flap flap flap flap
"go on, shoot! With the gun, woman! Oh look, we rehearsed this. Get the gun, in the starboard locker. The STARBOARD locker! Oh heck, we'll have to go around!...
flap flap flap flap flap flap
a drive-by raggie!