Ah, now, you see, sail gives way to trawling pwc's except in a harbour where you have to go in backwards with no sail up in a straight line. Motorboats can get around this by tacking when restricted by their draught and on Tuesdays and Thursdays as long as their SSR No. is even. However commercial shipping must give way to all fish; charter vessels must head warnings about wearing of lifejackets in the head and badgers must look both ways when boarding a ferry.
I can speak as an authority on all of this as, a) I wrote the col regs, b) I have been at sea for 382 years, and finally c) cos i'm abit, well, clever!
Ah, but you've omitted to mention what I believe to be the most important rule by far: the effect playing music in the cockpit has on all detailed above. Whether classical must give way to Ska, or thrash metal to prog rock, and what effect the playing of said muzak being on portable radio running on batteries or piped through from below decks has...
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://kilkerr.members.easyspace.com/santateresa_pics.htm>Santa Teresa and other t'ings</A>
Two observations: 1) we havn't given flag etiquette a good bashing recently, 2) etiquette is spelt with a double t.
My comments on questions about colregs: some of the questions asked display a sad ignorance of them and show that some boat owners do not have a copy but it is better that they ask their questions on here rather than continue in ignorance.
I repeat what I have said before: everyone should get a copy of the RYA booklet G2
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple>Ne te confundant illegitimi.</font color=purple>
Personally I find the threads on ColRegs very interesting and important to help our understanding of them. Now Flag ettiquete.......well that's a different matter. Who cares about flag ettiquete, normally followed by a load of stuffy old groats with nothing better to do.
A forum for people who want to moan about the forums.
Col Regs and Flag Etiquette a bore? Why not simply ban all that distracting clutter about sailing. As Theboatman says - "it might free up some forum space."