You cannot post without a logon, so they are people who are passing by and just reading the forums, Many probably come back and read regularly, but not interested in posting, or a little scared to take the leap.
Regulars on these sorts of forums sometimes forget that it can be rather intimidating to those who have never taken part in a forum before, particularly when they see some of the rather heated posts and threads, and are unsure what reception they will have.
<hr width=100% size=1> I asked an economist for her phone number....and she gave me an estimate
< they are people who are passing by and just reading the forums, Many probably come back and read regularly, but not interested in posting, or a little scared to take the leap............>
Not entirely true. You could be the forum's most prolific poster and still choose not to have your name displayed in the 'Whose on-line' screen. See User Options
Yes, but you'd be registered, so will show up as a registered user. There are three registered users online currently, but you are the only one who is listed by name
<hr width=100% size=1> I asked an economist for her phone number....and she gave me an estimate
Wot you doing up so late? Thought it was just me. Bloody jet-lag. Body clock still all to hell. Even morning ablutions occuring mid-afternon. Should be used to it all by now. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Just goes to show how the forums change. Used to be just me and Byron on the forum at this time of night exchanging insults.
We discussed how some people don't need much sleep in detail then, but some things never change. There will always be people on the forum at odd hours - even allowing for the fact we have many forum members in US and Oz and other wierd places now
<hr width=100% size=1> I asked an economist for her phone number....and she gave me an estimate
I'm a Pom, living in Oz for some time now and from any logical point of view it IS a weird place..........but very very nice!!
Do you know why Aussieman seems so well-balanced (compared to a Pom, of course) Its because Aussieman has a chip on BOTH shoulders/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Now YOU ,OZ girl are in trouble...we are gunna get you.. however as you are living in NSW ,I guess you can be excused for those remarks..... NSW really isnt OZ.....
Better decide whose side you are on .....
OH yes ,have you slipped into the weekly shower habit yet , instead of the annual one most poms have...when you get to daily showers ,you can apply for citizenship....
Well US is definitely weird, just read the press any day of the week for an example. Oz, well what can I say, I've had two Oz girlfriends - well, one Oz, one Tasmanian to be exact! and I still bear the mental scars. But the strangest have to be the Kiwis /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif - should bring a few more into this multi country thread. Oh, there's a few nutcases in Canada and South Africa too, and some truely weird people in Scandavia like one who posted in Mobochat about diving in the winter when there's no daylight for 24 hours a day in sub zero conditions.
There, that should draw a few out!
Have a good one too!
<hr width=100% size=1> I asked an economist for her phone number....and she gave me an estimate
wierd or what? used to do 28 days on 28 days off in angola, crew change day on uta (french airline, night flight from luanda to paris), dyvi gamma, norwegian rig, used to coincide with us every so often, give em a sniff of the cork and off they went, yo do lo do lo do all pigging night, argumentative drunken slobs, even worse than jocks, trying to get a bit of shuteye, yo do lod od lod yack yack yack, and argue !!
While appropriate, anyone who can call themselves a Kiwi must be a lacklustre type of nocturnal worm eating dumb bird that cannot even fly, so I avoid the term myself. Personally I think Hobbit would be better, like to imagine themselves as little likable folk who fondly think that they are saving the world from the evil menace. But don't count me in that description either!