Well-known member
Left Fleetwood at around 10:00 Tuesday morning with a very optimistic Glenarm pencilled into the destination in the Log.
Wind still definately in the NW and blowing 24 knots steady of apparent - Morecambe Bay at its finest as we crashed into boatstoppers and generally contemplated our options. Eventually decided that we wouldn't make the IOM never mind Nornairln so bore away a couple of points and headed to Whitehaven which proved a sound move. (Identical tactic to last year's decision to make for Colonsay on the Chents Cruise)
Whitehaven is an interesting place - Played rugby there as a callow youth and last sailed into there to escape a gale about 25 years ago. Big changes in that the marina is in with a lock that took some sorting out - i couldn't see the way in!.
Wednesday morning came out into Bright sunshine and caught the ebb from the Solway which swished us along in fine style around the Mull of Galloway and into Portpatrick - averaged around 7 knots for the trip and so drink was taken to celebrate.
Thursday was a stunner of a sail - SE again and made the most of the tides to get right up to Craighouse in around 9 hours. Seemed a good reason to take drink. We were the only boat in Craighouse - never known that ever. Went alongside the Pier and had a very pleasant evening - having dined sumptuously we wandered along to the Jura Hotel which seemed to be inhabited by fat bottomed girls - midgies making there presence felt which surprised me - thought it was a bit soon for the wee divils.
Friday we took the last of the ebb and then got flushed pleasantly northwards - again in Sun and South-Easterly breeze to arrive in God's Corner at around 16:00.
Muzzy had a birthday so we took some chilled champers which was awfully pleasant and dined in the Culfail which was fine.
Dear Heart arrived about 10:00 pm and we left Saturday morning for the drive home.
Wind still definately in the NW and blowing 24 knots steady of apparent - Morecambe Bay at its finest as we crashed into boatstoppers and generally contemplated our options. Eventually decided that we wouldn't make the IOM never mind Nornairln so bore away a couple of points and headed to Whitehaven which proved a sound move. (Identical tactic to last year's decision to make for Colonsay on the Chents Cruise)
Whitehaven is an interesting place - Played rugby there as a callow youth and last sailed into there to escape a gale about 25 years ago. Big changes in that the marina is in with a lock that took some sorting out - i couldn't see the way in!.
Wednesday morning came out into Bright sunshine and caught the ebb from the Solway which swished us along in fine style around the Mull of Galloway and into Portpatrick - averaged around 7 knots for the trip and so drink was taken to celebrate.
Thursday was a stunner of a sail - SE again and made the most of the tides to get right up to Craighouse in around 9 hours. Seemed a good reason to take drink. We were the only boat in Craighouse - never known that ever. Went alongside the Pier and had a very pleasant evening - having dined sumptuously we wandered along to the Jura Hotel which seemed to be inhabited by fat bottomed girls - midgies making there presence felt which surprised me - thought it was a bit soon for the wee divils.
Friday we took the last of the ebb and then got flushed pleasantly northwards - again in Sun and South-Easterly breeze to arrive in God's Corner at around 16:00.
Muzzy had a birthday so we took some chilled champers which was awfully pleasant and dined in the Culfail which was fine.
Dear Heart arrived about 10:00 pm and we left Saturday morning for the drive home.