Bugger. Can't edit the poll. Ok, so hypothetically speaking, if I could add "Needs his drug dose reducing" as an option, would you vote? And would you also pick any of the other options?
I have been inundated with requests for further votes. Unfortunately I am unable to respond to each request individually but will consider a further poll in due course /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
He already has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act and is normally kept in a dark padded cell and is only allowed out to perform baptisms, weddings and to officiate at funerals. (AKA Hatching, Matchings and Despatchings)
If his drug dosage is increased any more he will never come down and his delusions of being PM will be permanent.
I note that the first and last alternatives(and the most popular choices by voter poll) are not mutually exclusive.
In fact to qualify for one you must be the other!
Vote early and vote often...................Irish proverb
[/ QUOTE ]I can't lay claim to that one - it was posted on another thread and I found it "entertaining" so I kepy the url for another occasion.