Jet Ski legislation on the way?


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11 Aug 2004
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I thought they did - cross-hatched areas of road especially for them but forbidden to cars?

If you mean chevrons between lanes I think that is covered by section 130 of the highway code, or at least is in my copy which is now a couple of years old. Other members who drive regularly may have a more up to date version. Anyway it depends on the marking on the road surface.


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28 Jun 2018
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Without any means of sensible enforcement against the real loons any rules around jet skis will be largely meaningless. I was quite impressed last summer when heading into Dunkerque and a jet ski that was racing down the harbour between the boats entering and leaving was quickly followed by the police maritime who escorted him back to shore. That said many jet ski riders are sensible enough. It's the usual nutter minority who cause problems. In my experience quite a few people who sail are bikers, myself included. Maybe some link between the freedom riding and sailing?


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1 Aug 2003
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Where I live, PWC riders will have to pay a £150 annual fee to use the public slips from this year, plus they must have insurance plus evidence that they have completed the RYA PWC course.
This has come about after torrent of complaints last summer. Some of the riders would turn up having removed the silencers which didn't help them in the end either.


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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Retired schoolteacher actually
Close. When I was at university several of my friends had motorbikes (I had a Velosolex moped!) because it was cheaper than having a car. That seems to have ended, and the impression I get is the motorbikes are now very much a thing for retired people. Not, I hasten to add, that there is anything wrong with that. I shall be a retired person myself in a few years, and the Solex is awaiting restoration ...
31 Jul 2015
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Close. When I was at university several of my friends had motorbikes (I had a Velosolex moped!) because it was cheaper than having a car. That seems to have ended, and the impression I get is the motorbikes are now very much a thing for retired people. Not, I hasten to add, that there is anything wrong with that. I shall be a retired person myself in a few years, and the Solex is awaiting restoration ...
This has reminded me of the recent obituary for Dame Margaret Weston. … apparently on retiring as Director of the Science Museum, her retirement gift was a motorcycle. Apparently she had always wanted to go motorcycling … I’m afraid I have no information as to what type it was. Or whether it would meet the approval of forumites on here … at least it wasn’t a jet ski?


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7 Jan 2008
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And are they prepared for the consequences, i.e. losing their house or farm, when a legitimate user is seriously injured as a result of their vigilantism?

I think you've misunderstood. Its a co-ordinated programme: these are barriers not traps and are clearly signposted, the bridleways are on the landowners/farmers own land, the corrosion of amenity is to the local villagers and other users like walkers, cyclists and horse-riders who also use the bridleways, and the whole initiative is being overseen by the local counsellor. Nothing vigilante-like whatsoever, just an attempt to prevent ongoing wonton destruction by selfish morons with powerful machines under their anuses.

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm all for people getting out into the real world and enjoying themselves - just not selfishly and destructively on land they have no right to be on.

For the record: Suzuki 500, BMW K100, 1980 R80RT, 1977 R100RS, Triumph Bonneville... admittedly all road rather than off-road bikes.


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6 Nov 2001
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Judging from every group of bikers I have seen, a retired chartered accountant. Am I right?

Watch any Helicopter Rescue Programme on TV to discover the age profile of most motorcycle riders who get a trip to hospital .
Not sure what it is that attracts men of a (un) certain age , who ,the moment the pension lump sum arrives in the bank, have sudden urge to visit the local bike shop, buy something that either does 170 MPH or weighs at least a Ton,this ,followed by a walk round to the clothing dept to the XXXL rack.
Sometimes the wife arrives just in time to see the chopper departing into the distance at around £900.00 per flying hour + staff costs.
Personally would put a £5K surcharge on the purchase of any bike over 50cc if the owner is over 50. :)
Falling off a jet skis tends not to cost the NHS tens of thousands of £££ and take up scarce bed space.
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Well-known member
4 Jan 2015
Live in Fareham Area, Boat in Gosport
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I would have thought enforcement by a few harbour volunteers would soon control to ensure they were trained and insured. Lots of volunteers at Portsmouth harbour mouth just looking for activity in their retirement who I’m sure could sort them out if given the chance to stop and search .

We saw 3 jetskis come into Portsmouth Harbour, Hbr Volunteers imediately flicked on the blue lights and stopped them, after a short discussion they were escorted to the fuel berth and then presumably escorted out after fueling up. As far as I know Jetskis are not allowed in the Harbour.

It is interesting to see there is a Jet ski Bill, they are not covered under the Merchant Shipping act so it is high time they were subject to legislation

Keith 66

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21 Jun 2007
Benfleet Essex
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Oh, yes, seahorses are so daft as to float about at the surface, where the gulls, etc, are waiting? What nonsense!

Oh dear a sense of humour bypass. Never mind. Pity NGM doesnt invest all his time & other peoples money trying to stop pwc's instead of bashing yachties. But seriously it is high time pwc's got controlled properly, they are a bloody menace


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6 Nov 2001
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Has anyone on here expressed the slightest worry about that?

They might, if yet another BAB is taking up a bed in intensive care due to self inflicted wounds.

" born-again bikers who like to recapture their youth by taking to two wheels, but new accident figures show riding a motorcycle can cost men dear, as they face a greater risk of crashing than ever before.
Hospital admissions for middle-aged motorcyclists have shot up by 65% from levels of 13 years ago.
" " The Times"

Perhaps some sort of legislation is surely overdue ? :)
How many jetskiers impose a similar burden on the NHS. ?
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27 Aug 2020
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Unfortunately around here SO many bridleways have been torn to pieces by off-road 4x4s and trail-bikes. Farmers and villagers have got together to block them with fallen tree-trunks and large concrete obstructions... so the cretins just trash adjacent fields to bypass them!
To be fair if they are on byways, Theres nowt farmers and the like can do, If anything...Now they've blocked it off they are the ones braking the law not the 4x4's or bikes.


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5 Mar 2006
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We saw 3 jetskis come into Portsmouth Harbour, Hbr Volunteers imediately flicked on the blue lights and stopped them, after a short discussion they were escorted to the fuel berth and then presumably escorted out after fueling up. As far as I know Jetskis are not allowed in the Harbour.
They are allowed into the main harbour but are not allowed into the Town Camber Dock.