jet ski ban them


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8 Jul 2002
Victoria, BC, Canada
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I have just read the 19 posts about jet ski's. It would appear that they are as popular in the U.K. as they are here in North America, where they are already illegal in many places. You may be amused to hear that in a Seattle yachting magazine, the use of jet ski's was described as "the pursuit of total idiocy".
Thankfully, they are very rare where I live.

Alan Porter


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7 Sep 2001
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I think the answer is fairly simple, give them there own area and FORECABLY ban them from all other areas, with speed limited access lanes, except the high seas, where they can happily jump over waves, until they kill themselves, without interference from authority. They speed around anchored boats, because it's fun!! dodging in and out, thats the way it is, they have to be stopped from doing this, but they need somewhere to go and let off steam, it's just not fair banning them, you have to give them an altenative place to go and blast around. I once drove one, great fun for half an hour, then dead boring! I also agree, they do tend to atract morons, but so do those ridiculous street scrambler motorbike jobbies! But of course, they need a licence.


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20 Mar 2002
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But they\'re such good fun

Just remember that pre-war yotties tried to ban 30 foot boats from cross-channel races, and in the sixties tried to ban singlehanders for not keeping a proper watch. These calls for banning just look silly after a while.

Jetskis are a big drug-free high and massively fun. They kill people but so does mountaineering and diving.

I'd maybe go for a compulsory hours training first, accompanied by warnings about how lethal they can be to other people, but as for all the other stories about them drifting out to sea, or cutting out under the bows of ferries, well that sounds like the kind of fright that all yotties get in their first couple of seasons sailing.


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16 May 2001
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Over here it's even worse. We don't just have the local morons, we even have tourists who rent the blasted things, with total and absolute disregard for regulations - They're on holiday, right?
My personal solution to stop being buzzed or used as a slalom marker is to stand with my boathook held menacingly up like a harpoon and make it very clear that I'm quite ready to play chicken...... However, if there are sailing friends anchored close by, we stretch a line between the boats, about two feet above the water. Haven't caught one yet but I'm still hoping.



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7 Sep 2001
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Line between two boats!!!! Absolute bloody lunacy, what if you do catch one and kill the poor person on it! You want your head looking at! Please don't anybody do such a thing!! I would charge you with murder if you did kill somebody! Think about it you idiot, thats somebodies son or daughter!


How about...
1. Compulsory insurance including 3rd Party liability of £2million
2. Restricted launch sites
3. Enforcing speed limits e.g. Poole, Portsmouth etc
4. Complusory sea safety training.

Objective is to allow people to have fun but be safe to themselves and others.



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16 Apr 2002
Newfoundland, Canada
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Re: \"It\'s not the gun that\'s dangerous,...

Actually the Blackwater is I think one of the most restricted places in terms of jetski or powerboat launching. AFAIK Jetskis can only be launched from Stone if they are members of the powerboat club there, ditto any powerboat from Stone. You'dve thought that being in a club would enable some self regulation?! They cannot be launched from Bradwell and as you say not from Maylandsea either. I dunno about Mersea or Tollesbury.

And thanks for the suggestion about banning day launching of powerboats at other marina's old boy. Thats me and my RIB banned from the Blackwater then. Local resident, tax payer, responsible water user, experienced sailor and powerboater but that matters not does it?!

The only place I can launch my RIB on the south shore of the Blackwater is Bradwell marina. At least here they have banned jetski's (a good thing) and do make some attempt at educating water users by asking for details of craft, crew, lifejackets, VHF etc etc.

Me, I think we should take things one stage further......I mean lets ban all those nasty white plastic yottie things and have the blackwater only open to traditional wooden craft! Not practical or fair is it? I rest my case!


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: \"It\'s not the gun that\'s dangerous,...

ah - sense at the end of the thread - unusual they normally degenerate!
I would suggest that if 1 & 3 of Peter Gough's suggestions were implemented then 2 would become unnecessary - they would launch near their play areas rather than plod for miles. No 4 may well come in from market forces - ie insurers requirements for owners / reduced premiums. Note many issues are ignorance and the owners can, if knowledgeable, pass on to anyone he 'lets use' his ski.
In principle I do not see why there should be outright restrictions applied to one class of vessel over another (and it gauls me that the Hobbies can sail at over 20 knots in a crowded Poole Harbour...but I understand it as well!); it's the behaviour that counts. However anything that has the capability to cause others injury should be subject to insurance; although in the UK and many other areas we seem to translate that into 'motorised' vehicles automatically.


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16 May 2001
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So were the kids who were seriously injured, the woman who was killed and the owner of the yacht that was hit and sunk by one of THESE idiots. And that's just THIS season! Hopefully, by next season we will have joined the ever increasing number of countries that have banned or at least severely curtailed their use. Insurance companies are already making the right noises.



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14 Oct 2001
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Sorry, I'm with Col on that one. We can't have people taking the law into their own hands, just because they don't like something.
I own a powerboat, have ridden a jetski ( which was great as a one off. I wouldn't buy one) done some dinghy sailing in my youth and also done some sailing on 26-30ft boats. All give different perspective to what is collectively "watersport"
you can't go around endangering peoples lives just because their watersport is different from yours.
One mans meat...... and all that.

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8 Jul 2002
Victoria, BC, Canada
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I certainly don't agree with stretching a line between two boats to catch a jet-skier. What I did on the one occasion I was being buzzed by one of these thoughtless individuals, was to get out my spinning fishing rod and started casting out over the side of my boat. When the rider saw this he obviously didn't fancy being caught by a fish hook, so he turned away.

Alan Porter


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7 Sep 2001
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I didn't say they were right, just you are very wrong! and what you are doing is illegal, not to say stupid, what are you judge, jury and exicutioner? Just checked your boat name, I will make it a point when I visit Malta to stay away from you, you might think my dinghy is going too fast, then it's bye bye Colin, with a rope around my neck!


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6 Nov 2001
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Re: But they\'re such good fun

Are but wot about the people who have to go an rescue the divers/climbers etc etc.
most people would help regardless of the risks .

Just lets say the best boat in the known universe starts with the letter P


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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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A lot of these jet ski guys need protecting from themselves ... never mind homicidal maniacs! Saw two on Sun zooming in front of a container Ship in Soton Water .. wondered what would have happened if one had got a plastic bag in the water intake!

I can recall surfing with about 20 people in the line up when one of these things came along ... nearly a massacre.

It should be a bit like a motorcycle with some basic safety training a must before being allowed to ride.



Re: But they\'re such good fun

As a mountaineer and diver I would not like to be placed in the same category as a jet skier. An inept climber of diver will kill themsleves or their partner only - the lunatic jet skier can take out a few more people.

That said the saling community has it's own fair share of dangerous skippers, who can recklessly endanger the lives of their crew, but itis actively fighting against regulation - so it is a little hypocritical to demand that other water users should have minimum qualifications before setting off but not us.

It all smacks of the Daily Mail headlines in the early 90's about snowboards - "Ban this Killer Craze" etc.

Much as I try I have yet to kill a skier with mine :eek:)

Seriously, I think the answer lies in enforcement for all - if a jet skier, power boater, yachtie acts in such a manner that he breaks the law then the penalties should be sufficiently severe to act as a deterrent in the first place.


Re: But they\'re such good fun

most of the people who rescue climbers are.....climbers.

anyway, the majority of MRT call out are to grockles trying to get up Scafell in February wearing wellies and carrying a twix in a Tesco's bag.


Re: But they\'re such good fun


but as everyone knows, Shackleton actually survived due to having white chocolate kit kats and to show his appreciation he invented the high seat chair

I'll get me coat