Active member
Re: But they\'re such good fun
You really can't put things back in Pandora's box - PWCs are here to stay.
The inevitable result will be regulation, everyone will have to be tested, carry certificates and water users will have to pay for the enforcers whether they be part of the police force or some new body.
It's all part of boating becoming popularised.
Personally I hate the things (they're far more common during holiday-time on continental european shores than the UK) and just frequent those places where they have difficulty in launching.
If youngsters want to kill themselves on the things that's their prerogative - some eminent sociologists theorise that the main reason for increased male adolescent misbehaviour is down to overprotection by society in general.
You really can't put things back in Pandora's box - PWCs are here to stay.
The inevitable result will be regulation, everyone will have to be tested, carry certificates and water users will have to pay for the enforcers whether they be part of the police force or some new body.
It's all part of boating becoming popularised.
Personally I hate the things (they're far more common during holiday-time on continental european shores than the UK) and just frequent those places where they have difficulty in launching.
If youngsters want to kill themselves on the things that's their prerogative - some eminent sociologists theorise that the main reason for increased male adolescent misbehaviour is down to overprotection by society in general.