Jayne Toyne and Fox Morgan

Fox Morgan

22 Oct 2009
Ponta Delgada & Southampton
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I'll explain the mystery name change if you like.

Previously the person you refer to has worked in publishing and media their whole working life (since late 90s) and was bylined with their real name, but that was before the Internet and social media was much of a thing. It wasn't much of a problem having a name in print once a month or once a week. (Save for the odd stalker who tracked down a mobile number and then stalks or sends unsolicited body parts and pictures they've taken of you when you didn't know they were there, you know that sort of thing)

But when it is a name that can be googled easily and tracked and that person/name is seen across multiple titles, in print, online and presenting videos with multiple million readers and viewers, the privacy issue is a real thing. Online threats, trolls, angry people who don't like the fact that someone who looks female has any kind of knowledge or opinion on anything maritime (or tech, or motorbike, or engineering, or anything they think is a mans world) well it gets scary really quickly.
As the future company are not massively keen on nicknames, Captain Flashheart (which is the name used by this person for professional skippering) was deemed too "off brand" so Fox Morgan was born. The cunning nom deplume and alterego of a person who loves the night and is all about the sea.


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24 Mar 2004
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But when it is a name that can be googled easily and tracked and that person/name is seen across multiple titles, in print, online and presenting videos with multiple million readers and viewers, the privacy issue is a real thing. Online threats, trolls, angry people who don't like the fact that someone who looks female has any kind of knowledge or opinion on anything maritime (or tech, or motorbike, or engineering, or anything they think is a mans world) well it gets scary really quickly.
It would have been pretty depressing that you had to deal with this sort of attitude in the 1980s, let alone today.

I hope that the nom deplume works and allows you to continue producing good articles.