Italian trip


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Boatone has the pictures, which only tell part of the story of our weekend trip to deliver our boat to Pisa for warranty work.

The pictures don't tell of how we wandered around Viareggio looking at restaurants that seemed to specialise in "Oggi". Coliholic was sure that this meant "eggs". But then another shop had Oggi over the door. I considred just going in and buying a few to try whatever they were, and Boatone said they came in packets of three. Or maybe I could ask for a bag of assorted oggis? Anyway, turns o0ut that oggi means "today".

On saturday after 130 miles from antibes we lurched around in Viareggio on the wall in a swell, but at least it was free. Should have stayed on the fuel pontoon and pretended broken engines. Livorno was 25 miles further, on Sunday, which Boatone and Coligholic investigated on scooters.

Monday morning a chap from the shipyard turned up. And he expected us to helm, so off we went up the canal industriale to Pisa, all very rivery on a bright sunny day.

The Cantiere di Arno shipyard remains astonishing. Yet another very nasty Leopard 27metre in build, this time with internals in black ash urgh. Two other 23meter boats in production, but with extra day heads, meaning quite small saloon, and a total of five bogs (3 x ensuite plus dat head plus crew) which seems a bit excessive.

Over lunch Coliholic and Boatone chatted to others, I talked to the boss. Turns out that scruffy but helpful Paulo is one of the two cousins who are directors of the shipyard. Also transpires that I am am the only owner of any leopard who has no full-time skipper, or who has returned with boat to the yard, ever. Much remonstrating with the shipyard foreman who says I should have a skipper, or someone I can trust, to check that all the work is done properly. I say that all the skippers seem do-nothing tosspots, and I trust the shipyard staff far more than any skipper. But the foreman himself used to be a skipper, also the very excellent Cesar who piloted us up the canal is a skipper too. Ok, I said, and I bet you were the best, hence now run a shipyard/ are chief skipper for shipyard whilst the tossers in antibes wash their own cars every day. Other skippers on board four other boats continue to do sod all afternoon. Cesar and I get on okay, and cesar agrees that most do nothing. He says he'll keep an eye on things, and asks that I lock up anything valuable. I give him the last bottle of fizz and tellim that this is the most valuable item.

The yard director told us that the yard was "our home" so we could just nip in and out every single boat as we wanted. Boatone found something that would come in handy for a little job he planned to do on his princess. The item in question might have been a 24m Open, and the job he planned to tackle was a straight swap.

All afternoon on Monday I went through the list. The free skipper provided with the boat did indeed turn up at the yard - but only one day before deaprture which was a bit daft. The yard direcrtors asked why I had never called them, to which I mumbled that I didn't know it was allowed. Mind you, difficult communications with fairly fluent french as a common language. But the yard had never been contacted about the boat.

They gave us a lift to the airport: Rodriguez do have an exclusive on the production, giaranteeing that they wil buy every boat. But er how could they just make any boat if it's all custom made? The boss said that if we ordered 10 boats then we could talk. We agreed to buy three each, and to help us out boatone said he'd buy four.


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16 May 2001
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Welcome back! Look forward to the pics. What did they say about the s/steel? And did you get told off by Arno for deck treatment? Quiet round here, except Learner is buying a Jeanneau 37 Thunderhawk sloop and getting worried about sump corrosion ("rusty sumps" thread).....arghhh!


11 Jan 2002
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stainless steel

They plan to do everything. Including praps even an on-off button for all cabins to avoid future late nite argumenets about whetgher the servo setting should be set at 1.5 degrees or if some guests demand 3.2 degrees they can turn the sodding thing off themselves. They 'll also fix the anchor slightly wrecked by the twat skipper (er me).

Oh, and i forgot to mention the worlds funniest menu translation, in a restaurant in Livorno. "Pens to Lobster" is one option, and side orders are listed under "Boundaries". I mentioned it to boat yard people during a lighthearted moment, and they said yeah haha we all had a good laff at your own letters whammed thru a e-translator too...


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6 Aug 2001
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Glad to hear that you got back safely, obviously a good time had by all. Is B1 bringing his new boat directly or via Canal du Midi?

Hlb got bored on Friday and wrote an alternative trip account..think it's under Leopard, Emma, Coliholic etc.

So are you going to tell the Board about your friend who wanted to look at the boat in JLP?

<font color=black>I am WHAT I say I am


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Weirdo in Juan les Pins

Having lunch in a beachy restaurant near antibes with Mrs tcm, learner and mrs learner. The boat is anchored only 100 yards off the beach. A stranger presents himself, and in french announces that he wants to see the boat, and will that be okay then? Hmm. Well, we're having lunch yerknow and er why? Normally of course it's more sort-of ok in a marina, but even then i 'd expect him to have a boat and not be quite so pushy. Around the table we're umming and erring, and Mrs learner has the best french, is first to decide he's a bit odd if not an actual axemurderer, so she dismisses it as not possible. Disappointed, the guy moves away. He's not even eating in the restaurant, just a passer-by. Ten minutes later he's back. He really needs to see the boat. Really. I want to ask him why he wants to see the boat, but mrs L is having none of it, and correctly judges that engaging with him in a discussion of how much he wants to see the boat is pointless. She sends him packing, in polite sod-off french with nice words saying that she's desolated and so on. Later, we pay the bill and all get back on the boat via dinghy. Somewhat aghast I see that the now-clearly-a-wierdo has stripped down to his y-fronts and is swimming over to the boat. Rescued a third time by Mrs L who is very seriously narked at him and announces from commanding postion at rear deck how impossible is his request, and this time she's not at all desolated and he will have to turn back. He finally admits defeat and turns back. I just wondered what possessed him to be so keen to see this boat instead of one of thousands in nearby marinas and why (if he had a reason) didn't he say?


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16 May 2001
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Axe murderers and wristslashers

It's a rough joint, JLP. The previous time in the same anchorage spot, late August, a bloke swam towards TCM's boat and shouted for help. He looked like a distressed swimmer, had swum quite a way from the shore. Tender was dispatched to rescue him, he was hauled on board by Emma, whereupon it was noticed (due to the fact the tender went all red) that he had cut his wrists. He was taken to shore from whence he scarpered, telling onlookers that his cuts were inflicted by being hauled into the tender. He was apparently narked at being rescued.....


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6 Aug 2001
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Juan Les Pins blacklisted

I didn't know that one as well.

Issue with Axe Murdering Swimmer was the persistence , he was not taking NO as an answer. The beach and restaurants were crowded, yet he just stripped down to the Y-fronts in front of all .

To be fair to the gentleman concerned I am also scared of TB when she gets French and annoyed.

Rumour circulating privately that she has been Vlad the Impaler. and Napoleon Bonaparte in previous lives. I deny this of course BUT she definitely has a vocation in the 'Scare You S******' stakes.

<font color=black>I am WHAT I say I am


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11 Dec 2001
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And that was when I got a bit worried.

As tcm said we set off from Antibes sort of in a bit of a curved straightish line for Viareggio. Or it might have been Livorno, ‘cos he wasn’t 100% decided as to where we were going. Apparently he’d always thought the builders of the boat were in Viareggio but they told him last week that Livorno is the right place to be, but since Livorno’s a bit of a dump and Vaireggio’s really nice and quite nearby, when they’d entertained him on his previous boat buying trips they’d taken him to nice Viareggio rather than dumpy Livorno, hence he thought they were… oh I’m sure you get the picture.

So off we set at some ungodly hour from Antibes, with tcm having done a very nifty job of delivering Emma to her new berth on a big yottie boat rather than let her walk all the way round the marina. He sort of came along side another boat, reversed the Leopard so she could walk the plank and just drop off on their deck. Nice bit of work there, though I’m not sure that the occupants were wildly impressed when they peeked through the curtains.

Weather was good with a bit a swell coming from the right hand front side so rather than just do a straight line and be a bit bumpy for 140 miles, we sort of put a bit of a curve in the course and hugged the coast a bit for a couple of hours then blammed across the boring open sea bit for another 3 hours till we could see some land. All went well but after 50 odd miles of open sea, still undecided about where we were actually going, but aiming initially for Viareggio and with an hour and a bit or so still to run, he tried a sort of right hand turn to aim more direct to Livorno. But it got a bit unnecessarily so rough, so the plan was rethought and we settled on Viareggio. After waiting a couple of hours for the fuel pontoon to open, we set off to do the last 25 miles down the Italian coast to Livorno. Now by this time the light was failing, about 5 o’clock, the seas and wind had got up quite a bit and we all agreed it was about a F5.

Now B1 has been hiding his light under a bushel hereabouts. Turns out he’s a real Captain Speaking, having driven big ships and super tankers for a living and I’ve got a sneaky feeling that he had something to with the Titanic, or maybe the Golden Hind, but he’s not saying. So after 10 mins of this very bumpy and slow trip it was getting a bit uncomfortable so I made the brave statement. “Why are we doing this? How about we turn round and try again tomorrow”. Oh yes they both say, I was just about to suggest the same”. In reality of course the two “experts” didn’t want to be seen to wimp out first so it was left to me to suggest the bleeding obvious. Ultimately it would’ve been a night arrival in a strange port none of us has been to before, with odd looking lights and reefs and shoals and we couldn’t read the map ‘cos the boat was bumping about too violently? Yes right, I don’t mind being the wimp. So we do a Ueey and end up back at Viareggio. Where we go shopping for Oggi’s.

Sunday all’s sweet and light and we do the nice 25nM trip in 5-6 mile viz with a bit of a beam sea. All safely berthed in Livorno ready for the rivery bit on Monday, I serve up a pukka Afternoon Tea. Proper pot of tea, (not dropped over the carpet), couple of scones each, clotted cream, strawberry jam, the whole works. They both fall about larfing but scoff the bloody lot.

Then Monday it’s the river. That was an eye opener too. Bridges open for us after the yard bloke calls ‘em on his mobile and tells ‘em that if they don’t open the bridge NOW, we’ve got a horse's head in the fridge waiting for ‘em.

And then it’s “make my day time”. ‘Cos I get to teach tcm something about his boat.

There’s a 3 knot speed limit on this little river, which is only about 50 or 60 feet wide, but the slowest the boat’ll do in gear is 7 or 9, so he’s in and out of gear more times than Angus Deayton on Coke. “Just put one engine in gear and the other in neutral and hoik the rudder a bit the other way”. Course he’s never had need to just use one engine for an hour by choice, so thinks this is a real giggle. Mind you the autopilot wasn’t happy about it.

So that was about it really. Well for the trip anyway. The yard tour’ll be another thread, ‘cos there’s loads of stuff to cover there. If you want to know of course.


Active member
6 Aug 2001
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Re: And that was when I got a bit worried.

MORE MORE...Corrie viewing figures down tonight due 'Tales of the Jungle'on MoBo Chat..

<font color=black>I am WHAT I say I am


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Caught in the act..........

.........cuteycolic tries to stop Emma jumping least thats the way he tells it.......

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