Israeli Pre-Arrival Form


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29 Jun 2009
Cruising in the sun! Now in Malta
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I am planning to sail to Israel in July or August. As mentioned on Noonsite, I requested the Yacht-IMOT pre-arrival form from the Israeli Navy and was today informed that this is for Israeli flagged boats and an all-Israeli crew.

Does anyone have an update on the situation and know which pre-arrival form is to be requested from whom?

Thanks for any input.


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19 Aug 2015
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Hi. I popped across to Haifa a month ago from Larnaca and didn't do any preparation at all. At about 20 miles off the Israeli Navy will call you persistently (vessel in position X etc) and when you answer will go through a detailed question and answer. They even want to know your parents names but didn't seem concerned about your sexuality! At 6 miles off we were met by a baby frigate which then went through the same palaver. On entering the harbour we were met by a harbour security rib which checked we knew where we were going and then followed us three miles to make sure we got there. There was a really friendly crowd on the pontoon to greet us. One them kindly put down his machine gun to take my lines .....I was single handed. I was then questioned by what I presume was an intelligence officer....she was quite charming and had clearly seen all the information supplied by radio. She did ask about my marital status and I thought I might have struck lucky but she wanted to know the surnames of my ex and all subsequent girlfriends. The whole purpose of the questioning seemed to be to establish if I had any links with Arabic nationals.

All the Israeli officials I spoke to were extremely courteous and friendly and it was a really interesting experience. I wouldn't recommend Haifa marina though as it is in the middle of nowhere and the only transport is taxi.

I only stayed two days. I sailed in company with a friend on his boat. They gave him a slightly hard time because he wasn't flying an ensign due to his broom stick breaking.

Have fun



Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
An aside :)
A friend decided to fly to Israel, with his personal plane. No problem, you define a flight plan and let the local authorities know: after discussing the whole plan, they ask you to decide a password they will ask you when near their fly zone. It s up to the foreign pilot to decide which password to use.
He made the very, very unfortunate joke of choosing "Allah akhbar" as a password; "no problem" said the Israeli flight pl!anning officer.
A few days later, he is nearing Israel fly area on his plane, makes contact with the airport authorities; they ask "what is youjr password?", he replies with his password, control tower says "password is correct, fly in circle over the X°Y° position and stand by".
He flies around the given position, well off the coast. After some time, he calls the air control again, same answer "circle around the given position and stand by for directions".
To cut it short, they kept him in "stand by" until he had to transmit a "pan pan fuel" ( I don t remember the exact wording, anyway the request to land as soon as possible as fuel was almost finished), they eventually let him land somewhere.
The power of words :D


New member
29 Jun 2009
Cruising in the sun! Now in Malta
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I have now been informed by various sources, though not the Israeli Navy itself, that no pre-arrival form for foreign-flagged vessels is required. Just be prepared to answer the VHF when about 20M out with all the typical details both for the vessel and the crew.


Well-known member
12 Jun 2005
I am thinking of sailing to Israel next summer. I contacted the Israeli email given by the Cruising Association. They replied with the email below. It seems that you DO need to complete the form

Dear sir,

In order to operate your arrival to Israel, we need you to share with us specific information concerning your arrival.

In this mail we have attached a "Word" file.

The file includes an arrival form for you to fill in, concerning your sail to the Israeli coasts, your yacht, and the crew members who will arrive with you on this sail to Israel.

A few important notes:

1. We ask you to send us back the form- filled with all the correct details as soon as possible, so we can guide you about the procedure of entering the Israeli coasts.

2. We ask you to inform us of any change that relates to the upcoming sail to Israel. (If one of the last ports changes, if the number of the crew members changes, if there is a delay with the time arrival, etc.).

3. We ask you to send us every possible mode of communication that you and your crew members may have, so we'll be able to contact you in any time.

If you have any questions about how to fill in the file, or about your arrival to the Israeli coasts in general- please feel free to contact us, we'll be glad to help you.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Tal: +972(3)6064232/ 71 I Fax: +972(3)6064567 I Mail: SHIPPING@MAIL.IDF.IL
