Is there any money in boating as a career?


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18 Jul 2005
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I have this dream that I would love to give up my corporate life (and all the things that come with that!) and do something boaty. I toy with the idea of buying a boat to to take people out diving or fishing but having looked around I really can't see how to make a decent living at it. SWMBO is also on an upwards career and is loving the corporate life and is fast tracking up so a couple of years from now will be earning a lot more than my package so possibly may have options then I guess? Sitting in my office, writing a boring presentation for our upcoming "future leaders" and thinking out loud..........


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14 Nov 2012
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Just something to think about...
The MD of my company is also a very close friend, we do a lot of fishing together, we're both very keen anglers.
He does his bit remotely from Canada, so he set himself up as a fishing guide in his free time as it was always his dream job.
Long and short of it, he packed it in after a Year as the experience totally spoiled his fishing, it took the fun out of it and just turned it into another job.


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18 Jul 2005
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Just something to think about...
The MD of my company is also a very close friend, we do a lot of fishing together, we're both very keen anglers.
He does his bit remotely from Canada, so he set himself up as a fishing guide in his free time as it was always his dream job.
Long and short of it, he packed it in after a Year as the experience totally spoiled his fishing, it took the fun out of it and just turned it into another job.

That's a good point though it may well cure my irrational need to have a boat:D


Well-known member
12 Jun 2009
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I have this dream that I would love to give up my corporate life (and all the things that come with that!) and do something boaty. I toy with the idea of buying a boat to to take people out diving or fishing but having looked around I really can't see how to make a decent living at it. SWMBO is also on an upwards career and is loving the corporate life and is fast tracking up so a couple of years from now will be earning a lot more than my package so possibly may have options then I guess? Sitting in my office and thinking out loud..........

I know two couples that have done this successfully - one full time and one part time. I'm not convinced that there is that much money to be made from fishing or diving, but our friends seem to do a decent trade in Corporate Hospitality, birthday parties, anniversaries and that sort of thing. You need a large, high specification boat and you need to be able to offer a full package including a tour guide, good food and good drink. One boat seems to charge about £150 per hour for a basic outing with catering extra - they are pretty much fully booked. The other seems to charge around £2000 all in for a day out taking a party of up to 10. They do it part time and I couldn't comment on how fully booked they are.


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26 Aug 2011
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I have this dream that I would love to give up my corporate life (and all the things that come with that!) and do something boaty. I toy with the idea of buying a boat to to take people out diving or fishing but having looked around I really can't see how to make a decent living at it. SWMBO is also on an upwards career and is loving the corporate life and is fast tracking up so a couple of years from now will be earning a lot more than my package so possibly may have options then I guess? Sitting in my office, writing a boring presentation for our upcoming "future leaders" and thinking out loud..........

Ive often thought the same,
When walking around the town quay at Weymouth looking out at all the charter fishing and diving boats.
Thinking, i wish i was doing that.

I know how much they charge for a days fishing (cir £50 each) and with 10 paying customers even i can do the maths, but the running costs for these boats must be in the hundreds a day just in fuel, plus the mooring / harbour dues etc etc.

Ive come to the conclusion that there probably run as a hobby more than a business.
A nice to have but not one which will pay the bills.

May be totally wrong on this, would be interested in hearing from anyone who makes a proper living out of charter fishing / diving.


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12 Jun 2009
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P.S. I gather that one of the regular money spinners is "Scattering the Ashes" - Hindus like to scatter the ashes of their departed loved ones in open water and our friends do a decent trade taking bereaved families off-shore for the ceremony.


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27 Aug 2003
West Sussex
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I reckon the boating lark in the UK is all too weather dependent, especially so if you want to earn a living at it.

One day, whilst in Oz, I was sitting gazing out over Morton Bay and I just happened to mention that maybe I ought to get an RYA Instructors ticket, and start teaching out there. I was told that they're crying out for RYA instructors. So that's one (seemingly good) idea, that I've still not done anything about.

Another was jacking it all in, and take up flying the Maldivian Air Taxis. Nothing to do with boats (other than they land / take off on water), but has to be one of the best jobs in the world.


Active member
27 Jan 2013
I have this dream that I would love to give up my corporate life (and all the things that come with that!) and do something boaty. I toy with the idea of buying a boat to to take people out diving or fishing but having looked around I really can't see how to make a decent living at it. SWMBO is also on an upwards career and is loving the corporate life and is fast tracking up so a couple of years from now will be earning a lot more than my package so possibly may have options then I guess? Sitting in my office, writing a boring presentation for our upcoming "future leaders" and thinking out loud..........

I've met a few guys and married couples that gave up their day jobs to live the good life afloat. Most gave up after a season. The only really successful guy was one that focused on the pink (gay) market for skippered charters and honeymoons. His only restriction were large groups of lesbians whose behaviour could be both outrageous and dangerous and far worse than the blokes.

Deleted User YDKXO

As far as I can see, there's no real money anywhere in boating, not in building them, not in selling them and not in using them. I suspect that probably the easiest way to make a bit of a living is as a broker in that there's little or no capital outlay and not much risk plus you can work what hours you want. However, I don't see many brokers driving around in Ferraris so nobody seems to get rich out of it


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21 Mar 2006
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Been a commercial fisherman since the day i left school 35yrs ago.
In all that time I've come to the conclusion that the only way to make a million at fishing is to start off with 2million.


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20 Feb 2013
Switzerland and Rio (Boat in the hallway, outboard
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There seem to be many things needed for boats. Find a problem and create the solution and they will beat a path to your door.

- Find the holy grail that is an antifoul solution that works for several years with no need for a lift out and you have an income for life.

- Find a one off treatment that stops grp breaking down under UV or water finding it's way in

and many others....

I was reading about Actisense who make the module which translates from analogue to NMEA2000 It seems they saw the gap and filled it.

Deleted User YDKXO

Find a problem and create the solution and they will beat a path to your door.
Thats true. If somebody could invent a treatment that keeps props free of barnacle growth in warm climes like the Med, they'd make a mint


Well-known member
9 Oct 2007
imho there are very few that can earn a good living with boating,
for shure not with fish nor dive charter,

I own two boats ready for doing dive charters (28ft and 75ft), and had a similar dream,
but prefer to use them for my own pleasure shared with family and friends,
as now I can choose what I do, and have no obligations.

I think that as soon as it becomes a obligation, its less fun, less enjoyment,
and soon you will need a new hobby. :)

many years ago, I have been able to convert my hobby (live sound mixing) in to a my current business (professional sound/studio installations)
I still like what I'm doing but it is work with its obligations,
as a businessman, you're alway's thinking and looking around for new opportunities,
but for now I prefer to keep the hobby clean from business :)


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24 Jun 2003
Gibraltar, Small Boats Marina
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I see a lot of People who come down to Gib with a Dream. The best ones give up soon and go home. The crazy ones just get by and get angry about there decision, the worst go broke and bitter..and a lucky few make it. My question is do you like people and would you wait on tables in a restaurant. If you do like people and are service orientated then it could be for you. But you need the right boat in the right location and those are rarely right for you. I have had to turn my boat around on a Saturday morning in August in 35 degree heat.....and soon gave up. The best way is to reduce living costs by making the boat a home and changing lifestyle to working from home. Then you share your passion in a cost effective way. Another way is to be financially independent and then see the boat life as a lifestyle choice. You are then incharge and can do what you want. It won't make you millions but will help pay for your lifestyle.

Canopy Locked

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5 Dec 2006
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imho there are very few that can earn a good living with boating,
for shure not with fish nor dive charter,

I think that as soon as it becomes a obligation, its less fun, less enjoyment,
and soon you will need a new hobby. :)

Wot he said !

I charted for 4 years doing small private fishing / pleasure trips as a side line to our main business, as a way of getting more use out of the boat and covering it's costs.

Got very little use out of it for pleasure.... now just have a small boat for fishing with me and SWMBO.

paul salliss

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20 Sep 2010
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I have been very committed to a sport ( motorcycle racing ) for years ( still am). I have seen a list as long as your arm jack in their jobs to try and make a business out of the sport that they are very clearly passionate about. I am yet to see one person make a bean. Two very bright people that became good friends went bust starting BSB team's and they had big wealth going in. There will be the odd exception that people could point to here and there but I don't see boating as being any different.


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6 Jun 2001
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Been a commercial fisherman since the day i left school 35yrs ago.
In all that time I've come to the conclusion that the only way to make a million at fishing is to start off with 2million.

I remember from my days on Fishing News in the '80s that a few pelagic fishermen in UK & Ireland made huge numbers, doubt it could be done again though.


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
As far as I can see, there's no real money anywhere in boating, not in building them, not in selling them and not in using them. I suspect that probably the easiest way to make a bit of a living is as a broker in that there's little or no capital outlay and not much risk plus you can work what hours you want. However, I don't see many brokers driving around in Ferraris so nobody seems to get rich out of it

I've seen plenty of agents that drive Porsches BMW Audi Aston Martin etc etc.