Is life too short??


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6 Aug 2001
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TCM has been subtley questioning my sanity in buying a boat, he suggests that at 16-40 days a year , I should charter .

What do YOU think?

Assumptions are :-
a) I don't wanna break someone else's toy
b) Familirauity is good
c) I likeplaying with 'tots'
d) SWMBO does not

Lots of other stupid/clever plans in my ife?

if YOU could start again with that kind of usage what would you do??

...I wanna boat please..


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6 Aug 2001
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Totally agreed ...and I l used your paramaters !!!

So max range is somewhere between 25-40 days. Both numbers being the figurements of our imaginations!

If anyone feels inclined to identify different optionsfor upper/lower range or impact of global warming, or LESS likely of Tories being rteurned to power during this century then plase do so !!

...I wanna boat please..


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6 Aug 2001
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Re: you said max 26 days (nm)

Totally agreed ...and I l used your paramaters !!!

So max range is somewhere between 25-40 days. Both numbers being the figurements of our imaginations!

If anyone feels inclined to identify different options for upper/lower range or impact of global warming, or LESS likely of Tories being returned to power during this century then pelase do so !!

...I wanna boat please..


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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That PM in full - it\'s important !

you said

march-may 1-2 days
jun 2-3 days
Jul 6-7 days
August 4-5 days (i.e. doen't sound like swmbo wants the main holiday on boat?)
Sept 2-3 days
Oct 1-2 days

...and this is before you've bort it - after you buy it you generally tone the idea of going round the world etc and realise other things - but before you buy there are always Grand Plans Of Adventure.


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6 Aug 2001
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Re: That PM in full - it\'s important !

Correct but UNFAIR..

I was conservative as thee..

Fancy beer in S***ngfellows , now back in town

ANYWAY what should I do. Give up UP? Cry ? Whimp off? Save my money?? Rent?? Buy??

Views appreciated

p>s. ask swmbo herself... never short of a word or a thousand !!!

...I wanna boat please..


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11 Dec 2001
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Or there's a third route. .

If you're only going to be using it for that 40 days a year, I guess you'll put less than a 100 hrs on it a year. Tot up all the deprecation , mooring and maintenance costs etc and amortise that over the 100 hours and I bet you'll come out with a frightening cost per hour.

But if you don't fancy just chartering someone else's boat and taking the chance that it's avaialble when you want etc, why not look at joint ownership?

Jfm's done this for a few years with a Phantom 43 so no doubt he could give you the pluses and minuses, and I've got a sneaky feeling there's someone hereabouts who might be persuaded to sell a share in their big boat. Think there might be an ad in this month's MBY for a 1/3rd share in something or the other too.

Seems like a good mid-route option. leastways you get to see if you as a family like the boating life without taking too big a risk, especially for such light potential usage.


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6 Aug 2001
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Yes.. I'm getting close to the 3 rd route..

although Diana 23 probably reflects the multiple of what I can afford !!!

Nice to dream though isn't it !!!!!

...I wanna boat please..


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23 Jul 2001
Malvern, Worcs
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ONLY 40 days per year - Hells teeth. thats loads /forums/images/icons/mad.gif


/forums/images/icons/smile.gif <A target="_blank" HREF=>Kelisha Pics</A> /forums/images/icons/smile.gif


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19 Feb 2002
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There is a saying that says "if it flies, fornicates or floats... RENT IT". However, most of the enjoyment of owning a BOAT comes from just that.... owning it. The warm feeling that you own something special, something that few others posess. Owning a boat gives considerable street cred. as well (if that bothers you). If you can afford it, do it!.

A boat is something you should be proud to own, something to be cherished and lovingly maintained, and something you should take huge pride in having. Do not, however, look too closely at the ACTUAL cost of owning it, (depreciation, interest that could be made investing the money elsewhere, maintenance, Marina/mooring fees etc etc), 'cos that is frightening.

For sure there are savings to be made by chartering a boat as and when, but you can get none of the joy of actually owning one from just doing that that.

Don't overstretch yourself financially, but do buy........and enjoy!! (you will also find yourself making more time to go to sea that way, if only to justify the outlay)


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16 Sep 2002
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3 words for you 'Buy somthing usable'. I have spent 60 Days on board so far
this year because,

1) I moor on a river (I can be out to sea in a day) so weather is not so much of
an issue, when its c@rap i use river. (Check profile for boat specs)

2) My boat is very good on fuel (about 1 gallon an hour) so i dont even think about the fuel cost.

3) All my family love it so i have no issues there.

If you can get a boat like this (I am not saying this suits everyone, no flames please) i.e. cheap (for you) to run & your family want to come with you
then its really worth buying because YOU can please yourself what you want to do.
Also you can play with your boat over the winter getting it exactly how YOU want

As has been stated before, its excellent to own your own boat. When we go to upton-on-severn, there are loads of fast cars & bike on show but all the people there are watching the boats. I would not know what to do without my boat. I love it, as someones sig says 'relaxation starts at the pontoon' this is so right. But i think you really have to find the right mooring and the right boat for you. Remember you dont have to spend 6 figure sums of money for a boat. If you wait you will find the perfect boat.

I hope this strike a chord with you.

NB Cost is not so bad when you spend lots time on board!!


(River Severn / Bristol Channel)

Deleted User YDKXO

There's 2 ways of looking at this. There's the straight financial aspect and then there's the satisfaction of owning a nice toy. Buy yourself a nice late model used 40 footer and its going to cost you £20k per year all in including some modest depreciation but excluding financing costs. A decent 40 footer in the Med is going to cost you £5k a week to charter on average so thats just 28 days use at times which may not suit you totally
40 days a year is actually reasonably heavy usage and IMHO more than enough usage to justify owning your own boat especially as it gives you the freedom to use the boat exactly when you want to.
As to what you're going to tell your mates down at the golf club bar, which sounds better? I'm chartering a boat for my hols (they'll think its Sunsail whatever you say) or I'm going to my very own flashy 40 foot 750hp Sunseeker DickExtender for my hols. No contest, eh?


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1 Oct 2001
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I can't see how you are going to justify buying a boat but then I also find it hard to justify buying a car. If we did need to justify what car we bought then there would be a heck of a lot more Sk*da, L*da, K*a on the roads.

Do we need to "own" a car when we could
1, hire one,
2, use a taxi,
3, go by public transport (Urrrrgh),
4, go by bike (rag and stick equiv transport?)
5, Own a third of one with your neibours....

No,... in truth it's nothing to do with justification and it's all to do with wants... Me I want one, sod the expense it's about my happyness and I only got one life to live.

All IMHO, FWIW, etc


It may be the early bird that catches the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: ah but

suppose you only use it on twenty separate occassions a year and even the cheap cars cost 100 grand to buy, 10 grand to run and 15 grand in depreciation? Yeah, alright you still buy a car cos the roads wd be empty...


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1 Oct 2001
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Re: ah but

But it's all relative innit.... £15K is one mans annual wage and another mans pocket change. You adjust what you buy accordingly, £3k of nice little Shetland as opposed to £400K of Princess, Broom etc.

I get a lot of enjoyment out of just being able to visit the boat and talk to the other berth holders, if you are chartering you are going to miss out on this side of things. Oh sorry I forgot , soft sothern shandy drinking jessies don't talkto each other ;-)


It may be the early bird that catches the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.


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6 Aug 2001
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Who\'s a Jessie?

Having realised during the course of succeeding months that this site is inhabited by Northern folk, I would point out that we are not all Jessies down Sarf, and definitely not soft.

We do also talk to one another occasionally. And most of the Southerners are actually from other parts and here for the lolly / escape families/ hide anyway.

...I wanna boat please..