IPC Yachting MAGS



Have our illustrious Yachting Mags appear to have lost the plot and been abusing there position
They have promoted two chandliers On-line-marine, com and following on from there demise they have launched YBW.com Marinestore. Both of these web sites have been removed and there e addresses are no longer live. In both cases there telephones are un answered.
I have written to both Companies and received no reply I have also e mailed IPC to no avail.
Presumably i am not the only customer/reader of there various magazines that feel let down


Active member
9 Jul 2001
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See thread 12 Nov or thereabouts. YBW's Kim said the following:

"I can assure you that we have exactly the same problem as you do, namely that we have received no official confirmation of the current status of Century Retail, the owners of Online Marine who are also the facilitators of the ybw-marine-store.

We are aware that they are not trading, at least in terms of answering telephones, and we had taken the precaution of suspending the ybw-marine-store service last week.

As and when we have the official word, and can therefore publish a correct story on the matter, we will certainly do so. Meantime, we share your frustration.

All enquiries regarding the current status of the ybw-marine-store can be directed to matthew_harvey@ipcmedia.com."


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Online Marine were an advertiser, like any other chandler who advertises in the magazines. ybw Marine Store was running concurrently, not as a successor, and it was serviced by Online Marine who were our partners in that venture.

With the demise of Online Marine our ybw Marine Store service was suspended (my thanks to Zefender for highlighting the message we posted at that point). It will return when arrangements for a new partner are concluded.

Meantime, there is no abuse of our position involved, I can assure you. All enquiries regarding our marine store should be directed to matthew_harvey@ipcmedia.com


My piont is that Action Leisure PLC had been in financial difficulties for some time prior to their demise. This was well known in the trade but was never referred to in your editorials, in fact they were still advertising in the IPC yachting journals in November.
As IPC were a partner in YBW/On-Line-Marine they must have had prior knowledge of there plight even though they were still advertising in the December Mags
My contention is that IPC put advertising revinue ahead of there readers interests
Incidentally i have e mailed harvey@ipc and have had no response


Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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Yes, but didn\'t IPC know weeks earlier?

Kim may have posted his message on 12 Nov, but didn't he and IPC know of the imminent demise of ybw-marine-store back in October? The December issue of YM (on sale Nov 8) was to have included an ad for ybw-marine-store, but this was pulled and substituted by an ad for ybw's wine store. Now why would they do that?


Re: Yes, but didn\'t IPC know weeks earlier?

A month ago I made a slightly critical post on the advertising dept of PBO and lo and behold the add which I wanted inserted in the Dec issue never got printed and now some bloke keeps on leaving messages on my answer phone do I want the add to go in the Feb issue. NO I DON'T. The add dept cant be sailors because he said re your add for your event-ide. I rest my case.