I am planing a trip my first trip to Douglas, hope to stay in Douglas marina, boat moored at Conwy and prepared, read the books, got the charts, any further advise.
I stayed in the marina at Douglas two weeks ago. Spent a week there. Douglas yacht club do a sailing supper Tuesday and thursday good value and reasonabe Roija.£8.a bottle. Dont forget you have to time your arrival at two and a half hours either side of high water for a bridge lift to enter inner marina. If you need any more info pm me Regards Dave.
Ive just thought about the most important bit! when you go under the bridge to the pontoons the channel splits into two, the harbourmaster will give you a berth number. For odd numbers take the starboard channel, evens the port channel. If you get this wrong it means a lot of reversing, should be ok with your configeration but mine is a pig in reverse and the channel is quite narrow.