Interesting post-launch first sail (one for the confessional I think!)


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16 Aug 2004
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Plan was to launch in Lymington and sail to Poole in time to be collected by the water taxi at Lakeyard. Put up brand-new genny failing to notice that the foil had separated half way up. Tried to furl in - result 5" tear and cut luffrope - oh sh!t. Hoisted second genny - no prob. Engine would not start - shorepower battery charger not working! Eventually got away at 1215, very foggy - now where are those charts? Bu88er forgot them. No worries, just fire up PC chartplotter - no result! By this time the crew (one of whom knew the way having sailed back and forth up the Solent for years) had somehow turned left instead of right. I came up on deck wondering why we had a favourable tide and eventually asked what course we were steering - NE!! Turned around and eventually sighted the Needles through the murk (strange knowing exactly where you are on the GPS but no idea of where you are on the sea!) Felt our way across and ended up off Christchurch beach (!). PC started working within sight of Handfast point and got in finally, followed by a gruelling 150m paddle in the inflateable against a 2kn tide..

Oh well, nobody died!

Sans Bateau

Well-known member
19 Jan 2004
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Oh dear! At least if you only have only a few cock ups and failures on the next sail, it'll seem a big improvement!