Insurance survey.


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14 Feb 2002
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My insurance company tells me that I need to get a survey done before renewal. It's 5 years since I bought the boat so it's fair enough I suppose.
Can anyone tell me what exactly is meant by an "Insurance survey", is it any different from the "Full Survey" I had when I was buying the boat?
Frankly I know what condition she is in so I want to spend as little money as possible!


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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as u r instigating the survey the surveyor will word the report in a better light & any recomdations could perhaps be carried-out as routine maintenence & not urgent. i would also speak to the surveyor as to how the report is worded.
the vessel will need to be out of the water, the mast can be left stepped.
i would remove all un-nessesary gear as this will be reported on ( in my experence). all gear will need to be in date ( if seen).
if you think the vessel is worth "£ X " indicate this to him & explain why, you dont want a value too low & end up under-insured


Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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Off to DRL with you. They dont ask for survey, and have quoted me the lowest cover (again) this year for my new SO35, under 400 quid inc personal items.
My previous 25 year old Jouet didnt need a survey either. Nice people to deal with.


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21 Jan 2005
South Wales
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Shop around yes - but check the cover being offered! I too obtained a quote from drl. When I checked further, the policy was underwritten by a company called Northern Reef. There are a great number of suspicions about this company on the ybw forums and elsewhere on the web.

Further checks reveal that DRL Marine are not authorised by the FSA, which is a legal requirement for anyone selling insurance in the UK. Check the FSA's list of approved insurance companies at

Needless to say I have insured my Sadler with a recogised name. The premium was only a few pounds more, but I know where they are based if I ever need to make a claim. I wouldn't be so sure about Northern Reef!!


New member
14 Feb 2002
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Shop around yes - but check the cover being offered! I too obtained a quote from drl. When I checked further, the policy was underwritten by a company called Northern Reef. There are a great number of suspicions about this company on the ybw forums and elsewhere on the web.

Further checks reveal that DRL Marine are not authorised by the FSA, which is a legal requirement for anyone selling insurance in the UK. Check the FSA's list of approved insurance companies at

Needless to say I have insured my Sadler with a recogised name. The premium was only a few pounds more, but I know where they are based if I ever need to make a claim. I wouldn't be so sure about Northern Reef!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I've sent off for my quote from DRL and have now received it. A fair price, but nothing special. However, the quote has mysteriously arrived from "Edward William Marine Services" based in Malaga, Spain. It appears that DRL Marine is the "appointed claim agent & postal address". The cover is, as you say, with Northern Reef.

I feel uneasy about this one. I think I'll look elsewhere!