I'm thinking of buying a catamaran??


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10 Nov 2018
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We're thinking of buying a cat. We're currently semi-liveaboards on a Najad 400. We think a cat might be more comfortable for longer spells aboard. We've sailed on Fontaine Pagiot's a Lagoons and were very dissapointed. What used cat should we consider and why?


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We've sailed on Fontaine Pagiot's a Lagoons and were very dissapointed.
Very difficult to offer sensible commentary when you're giving us so little to work with; what about them was disappointing? They're both makers of relatively tubby production cats optimised for charter companies.

Chiara’s slave

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14 Apr 2022
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Dazcat. Very fast, and comfortable in the larger sizes. Not cheap, mind you.
If they’re within budget, one of those would be very hard to beat. Fast, seaworthy, comfortable, good windward performance. It’s the only boat that could tempt us from Dragonfly ownership.
if the price is too high, a Woods design might suit. Saw a very clean Mira in Yarmouth a few weeks back to remind us they exist. I daresay Darren had that sort of thing in mind when he thought about his own designs. The Dazcats are an evolution of that design in many ways.


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10 Nov 2018
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Very difficult to offer sensible commentary when you're giving us so little to work with; what about them was disappointing? They're both makers of relatively tubby production cats optimised for charter companies.
'Disappointing'... Build quality was apalling. Sailed like a bag of dead dogs and the slaming was intense.

What are the well designed and built cats, maybe not performance (like Outremer), but reasonable quality. Dazcat and Gunboat are maybe a little too boutique. Mira's a bit too small. 40ft LOA minimum.

Our modus opperendi is always moving on, preferring anchoring to marinas. occassional ocean crossing. What else would be good info?

Chiara’s slave

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14 Apr 2022
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Edel cat? Think there’s a 44ft version to be found, probably only in France mind you. I think we are going to go to the multihull show in Grand Motte. It’s in April, might be worth it for research.


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10 Nov 2007
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Don't think you will have much luck. "quality" catamarans really don't exist if you are looking for something that is anything like your Najad or other similar boats. They would simply be too expensive to build. There have been attempts to do it in the past, but they have all failed to make an impression on the market. As you have identified the better ones are performance orientated because that is what they offer over monos of similar price. The vast majority of multihulls in the smaller size range were built mainly for charter use and built to a price.


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15 Mar 2007
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Lagoons seem to get a bad press on here but I've seen dozens and dozens passing through the Canary Islands, Windies, Panama and across the Pacific. Seems to suit so many liveaboards.

Dunno what exactly FP you sailed. I took an older one from St Lucia to Croatia. Wouldn't want to live on one. Have lived aboard so got an idea. New style look nice though bit boxy like all modern production cats, roomy but not for those in a rush.

Simply thoughts..... :)

Chiara’s slave

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14 Apr 2022
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Good steer. Might see you there.
Probably best not to put too much stock by the moaners here. It’s still very anti cat around here. However, it’s true its a long time since Fontaine Pajot built a decent boat, you may find that the production boats are all either dumpy things suited to motor sailing or tacky rubbish. It leads you to the boutique manufacturers, like Darren. Used ones do come up, if I were looking I’d definitely give him a call. He’s good company too, whats not to like?

Chiara’s slave

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14 Apr 2022
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Lagoons seem to get a bad press on here but I've seen dozens and dozens passing through the Canary Islands, Windies, Panama and across the Pacific. Seems to suit so many liveaboards.

Dunno what exactly FP you sailed. I took an older one from St Lucia to Croatia. Wouldn't want to live on one. Have lived aboard so got an idea. New style look nice though bit boxy like all modern production cats, roomy but not for those in a rush.

Simply thoughts..... :)
All multis get at least a certain amount of disapproval here. The preferred answer for ‘what boat’ is probably something like a Contessa 33. Nowt wrong with them, but people should probably take a broader outlook. It’s 2023, not 1973.


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25 Aug 2003
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Who's against multihulls? If I won the lottery I'd have someone build me something by Kurt Hughes or maybe one of those hybrid proa things. The main downfall is there aren't many and relatively they're expensive.


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10 Nov 2018
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All multis get at least a certain amount of disapproval here. The preferred answer for ‘what boat’ is probably something like a Contessa 33. Nowt wrong with them, but people should probably take a broader outlook. It’s 2023, not 1973.
It's a good place to start the search. Avoids the confirmation bias.

I've been watching Sailing Nahoa. They've recently come up with their own design. 'Quality Liveaboard' style, not performance. I think that's going in the right direction, but the only option is commissioned build new.

Seawind and HH's comfort versions look like possibilites.

Chiara’s slave

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14 Apr 2022
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Who's against multihulls? If I won the lottery I'd have someone build me something by Kurt Hughes or maybe one of those hybrid proa things. The main downfall is there aren't many and relatively they're expensive.
There's a core of people who are up for any propely designed boat. I’m not exclusively multihull, I like anything that sails well. Cats do look expensive, but then, they’re at least 1.5 times the size of the same length mono. I’ll admit tris have no such excuse. You only buy one to go fast, and pay for it too. We could have paid 1/4 as much for a boat of the same age with more room. But today we sailed home against the tide in the western solent. 8kn of wind, 2.5kn of tide. Everyone else goung our way was motoring. Cats can make great liveaboard cruisers. The problematic charter boats give some a bad name. Most multis have great build quality, by necessity.


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15 Mar 2007
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Do people still do that? Rather quaint, in the 21st century.
There's a big Wharram comes here generally each year. Must be 60ft or more and stays for a few weeks. Often wondered if it belongs to some weird aqua cult and they go offshore and get the women to dress as mermaids....or something. Must stop doing that. :D

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
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Do people still do that? Rather quaint, in the 21st century.
Try Wildings sailing on You tube
here is one of his latest vids of his rebuild of a 46ft one he bought for 2000 euros & will soon have it ready for sailing
Wildings sailing
Seems that there are quite a few about all over the world.
There is a rather georgeous young lady sailing one SH who posts on you tube. Has quite a following. Not sure if it is because of the Warram though