Well it's easy to see why the "unsail boat", as Linda and Steve Dashew call her, can attract some jokes.
But this big anode has more miles under her keel than most of us will ever dream of.
Among others, I found their article Off The Beaten Path very interesting (page 104).
And those who have ever taken a pic of their boat like the one in the opening page, raise their hands.
Wow.Just had a good look at their website,a great deal of thought has gone into a craft that 99% of boat builders could learn valuable lesson from.
Flat wide decks you can actually walk on,windows you can see out of 360 degrees,no slitty little curvy fashion victim window slots here to obscure vital bits of the boat.
O my Gawd no 1000hp engines ....how will they manage?
A proper tuff rubbing band all round the boat,so no need for an small armarda of fenders to protect your precious and o-so -delicate gel coat .
All in all rather nice.
Although this vessel is somewhat 'asthetically challenged' when compared to mainstream motor-boats, the designer has taken bits from different areas.
The long slender yacht-like hull would be easily driven through the water, and the pilot-house with its vertical structure and 'eye-brow' is like some of the current 120 foot plus super yachts.
I think it may be a fairly wet boat though.
The raw alloy from commercial marine. I will be keen to read the story of the folks journey when it comes out!