New member
Now, for a moment lets suppose that your boat was sitting out of the water at a boatyard 50 miles away. Lets also suppose that you had spent the last 7 days "working" on it and it was due to be launched tomorrow morning, lets presume its early, say 8am for example. Now, what would make this hypothetical situation very interesting would be if the boat had:
a) No Antifouling on it
b) No Anodes
c) No Rope Cutters
d) No Propellors
And to complete this purely hypothetical situation, it is pouring with rain, it is dark and it is cold.
What would you do?
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a) No Antifouling on it
b) No Anodes
c) No Rope Cutters
d) No Propellors
And to complete this purely hypothetical situation, it is pouring with rain, it is dark and it is cold.
What would you do?
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