Hull Cleaning


New member
1 Nov 2001
Southampton ,England
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Went down to the boat Tue evening to clean the outdrives off ready for the Fireworks on friday and found a printed piece of paper (Hullshore underwater services) didnt think much about it at the time. As usual the legs were covered in slime ,tiny barnacles, and weed but also something i hadnt seen before ,hundreds and hundreds of small grape type things opaque in colour and when crushed squirted small amounts of water ,took about 2 hours to clean both legs , i then wondered how many may be on my hull so i lay on the pontoon and ran my hand along the hull their were milllions ,so i decided to give the number a ring and see if they could clean the hull before friday and hey presto they could do it either wed or fri afternoon ,they came and done it on the wed excellent job ,clean everything ,loads more speed and no more barnacles or grape things and the price ,well fantastic.
Heres a price list if anyone is interested

Hullshore Underwater Services Southampton

Hull Cleaning Mid Season
upto 36 feet £1.00 per foot LOA
36 + £2.00 " " "

Full Scrub,Heavy Fouling
upto 36 feet £2.00 per foot LOA
36 + £4.00 " " "

Chris Childs ,,, 07870898359

Jason Hocking,, 07817396888

I paid £ 26.00 for mine


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New member
2 Sep 2006
/forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gifI assume they did this while the boat was in the water? Fantastic! It costs £350 just to lift mine and hold it in the strops long enough for a clean. What a bargain!!