I wondered two things over the recent festive period.
1) How long before wee jamesie learns how tae dae yin o'they polly things
2 Whit kind o' daft nonsense wid wee see bein' posted by wee jamesie during 2005
I see the 'Natural Position' platform will support a 300 pound man (women don't come that big). But surely you can buy a Jimi for less than 300 pounds?
By the way, boring day at work today Jimi? /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Every scientific experimental survey needs a comparison, usually termed 'control', and here it seems to be missing.
It's back to the drawing board I'm afraid.
Aherm .. been very busy .. just breaks from the computor.. anyway this is a serious scientific enquiry correlating the results of shipswoofy's research on chain and anchor with arse size. The theory postulated is that lardy arses have smaller anchors cos the increased inertia on their vessel dampens snubbing and anyway the fat gits are too unfit to raise the sodden thing .. well it would be sodden if it had been laid would'nt it?
Well Weejimi...I filled in your question, in my younger shopfitting days a young female shop assistant in Bolton helped me get into the shop window whilst holding both my cheeks, needless to say I reciprecated....and nice it was to!