How to stop a bullet from an AK47?


Active member
22 Oct 2005
A long way from my boat! :(
A mate of mine manufacturers armoured vehicles in South Africa. Forget steel. You need a composite anti-ballistic sandwich. UHMWPE, Aramid, Ceramic and steel composite panels are the 'in' materials these days.

I believe Amel say that their aft cabins doors are 'intruder proof' and steel lined as well as being watertight ( good idea )

Would Somali pirates try to sink the boat with you in it? I somehow doubt it, after gutting the boat of electronics, valuables and stores there is little to be gained from it and a lot to be lost.

Without the threat of intervention of some one else however you have a mexican standoff and the pirates could sail the boat and you to their home port and just sit it out.

Having a secure space might be a good idea in the event that there is assistance nearby and that you have a hand held radio in the cabin and can assure the assisting snipers that they can let rip at anyone seen moving on deck. if nothing else if you were secured below you would be safe from getting tagged by friendly fire in the event of a boarding.

If it was practical I'd have a 'safe cabin' but only take to it if there was the chance that someone was going to intervene with superior force.


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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No, not a sandwich, the inside only would be plated.

If you want effective armour for minimum weight, I believe sandwiches like this are the way to go. Trying to do it with big dumb steel will be heavier overall.

If they switch to RPGs I'm out of there.

Out to where?

If they switch to RPGs you're f***ed.

But rather than Pirates though, I am more thinking of the uninvited intruder(s) who climb aboard at night and may be armed. One halfhearted kick and my cabin doors would fly off the hinges.

So you're planning to sleep in there now?

I can understand a little local reinforcement and a lock, so that you're woken up before they're in the cabin. I know that some people add this as a matter of course in certain areas. I don't think your armoured box is especially useful in this scenario. If you can find a sensor that's not prone to false alarms, automatic deck lights might help a little, to scare people off or at least alert you.

There was a PBO a while back showing homemade weldmesh security grilles for hatches, for places where there is a risk.



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18 Aug 2007
Côte d'Solent
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I think it was Joshua Slocum who had the simplest defence... a liberal sprinkling of carpet tacks all round the decks before retiring for a peaceful night's kip ;):D


30 Jun 2009
Me UK boat Albufeira
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Its not gonna work

From my experience on the ranges and playing around in the deserts in Yemen with AK 47's, mild steel sheet 10mm thick with 15mm plywood and another steel sheet would stop the rounds effectively.

A 2 x 1 metre sheet of steel would weigh about 160 kg so say 11 sheets produce a lot of weight for the outer skin plus the same for the inner (3.5 tonnes total) would make your vessel trim somewhat.

Thanks Mariner69 that's what I wanted to know


Well-known member
25 Dec 2007
S.W. France
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I liked the guy in the states (ex Nam and worked for the firm there) who used a shoulder fired missile. He missed with the first, but they got the message and buzzed off PDQ. Without his connections, buying might be problematical...


26 Oct 2001
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I liked the guy in the states (ex Nam and worked for the firm there) who used a shoulder fired missile. He missed with the first, but they got the message and buzzed off PDQ. Without his connections, buying might be problematical...

Nah,just make a short stop in Manila and buy whatever you need.Come to think of it they probably do mail order...


Well-known member
11 Oct 2001
Bangor NI
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Anything that involves poorly imprisoning yourself on your own boat, is the equivalent of taking the gun from the pirates hand and shooting yourself.


Well-known member
13 Jan 2010
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Unless you`ve got a steel boat, I expect an AK47 will shoot through the hull of an sink it....leaving you inside the stainless steel box.

I think a boat made from normal thicknesses of steel plate would not stop a bullet from a Kalashnikov either, see here and here.



New member
13 Dec 2007
From Soho down to Brighton....
I liked the guy in the states (ex Nam and worked for the firm there) who used a shoulder fired missile. He missed with the first, but they got the message and buzzed off PDQ. Without his connections, buying might be problematical...

I've heard rumours of heavily armed nutbag Russian hunters going out on small boats looking to pick a fight with pirates for sport.

A few Rambo cardboard cutouts on deck and a flare fired through a length of drainage tube might convince them they had hit on the wrong boat.

little shack

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1 Mar 2010
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I've heard rumours of heavily armed nutbag Russian hunters going out on small boats looking to pick a fight with pirates for sport.

A few Rambo cardboard cutouts on deck and a flare fired through a length of drainage tube might convince them they had hit on the wrong boat.

could be a buisness op any one want to try.:eek:


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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The Russian 'Pirate Away Days' are no myth, -see the above post which appeared whiile I was typing this.

It certainly seems a better cause than inbred berks shooting poor inbred Pheasants...

As for the 'safe cabin' in a yacht, it's never going to work; and chums in the military have a great respect for the AK-47, it's very hard hitting, not like a Tommy gun or similar, a single hit will take a limb off - and RPG's use a shaped charge which can penetrate all but the best tanks - & I don't mean water tanks !

I've said it before ( and been got at by missionary types - we know what traditionally happens to them in the comics ) - have a read of the book - ignore the film - 'Black Hawk Down'.

If you take on the danger of the Somali mindset after that, you're either brave or stupid...

The well known fantasist 'Tristan Jones' did have one vaguely sensible idea re. pirates; carry a big bottle of scotch or similar liberally laced with weedkiller or the most poisonous, preferably low taste, stuff available and leave it 'just hidden' so that intruders find it.

That gives the satisfaction of 'taking them with you', or if extraordinarily lucky you may find the bad guys croaked all around.

The obvious snag with this is after one too many during a party on board a guest might grab it, leaving some awkward explaining to do; " well apart from what happened to your wife, I hope you enjoyed this evening "...

I have another idea, but as I'm thinking of marketing it there may be a pause.

Meanwhile try Youtube, 'Russian Navy versus Somali Pirates'...


May I introduce an old friend who might spoil a pirate's day; or cancel it entirely...


And a means of transporting to the area which might result in a nasty surprise for chaps waving AK-47's...this was 'Atlantic Conveyor' in 1882, all but one of the Harriers were wrapped in protective covering due to the South Atlantic weather, but one Sea Harrier was left armed up forward, ready to deal with unwelcome visitors.

The idea was afterwards refined as 'SCADS', Shipborne Containerised Air Defence System

- a Harrier GR9 laden with anti-tank rocket pods rising from a 'container ship' might be the first sign of a poor day's catch for Somalis...
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Well-known member
11 Oct 2001
Bangor NI
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I think there are enough interesting places to visit in this world without going into known pirate zones.

At the moment, yes. However, I don't want an increase of no-go zones in the world. Without wishing to sound like a party political broadcast, I want our kids, grand kids and beyond to be able to explore the seas in relative safety, without having to buy the A-Team guide to turning your yacht into a floating fortress, on route, armed with no more than a Stanley knife, roll of knicker elastic and a pack of hubba bubba!