How to protect my boaty property


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26 Nov 2011
Northern Ireland
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Bollocks. No comment on the D locks, but I'd expect my bolt-croppers to go straight through any of the cable ones. Had to do that at work just last week for someone who had lost his key. He was quite disconcerted - it was a "Sold Secure" Abus one that probably cost more than your £15, and it went through like butter. (Actually started cutting before I meant to, while getting things into position.)


One of these:

Try this one with your bolt cutters!!!!

simon barefoot

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9 May 2011
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Is it possible to keep it out of sight of the scrotes? If they dont see it then they may not steal it? Even if not hidden, then hauled up high on the unlit side of a building, anywhere that's out of normal eye line.
11 Dec 2012
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I had my bike pinched last night. It was worth about �30, no more. I don't have a car at present, but it's winter, I only go to to the shops. Now means that I have to walk and carry the feckin rucksack.

No clever (comment) stuff please...

I'm going to get another bike.

Anyone got any ideas how to protect it for more than the 3 weeks that I owned the last (first) one?

No. I have no access to nuclear missiles. I cannot wire the damn thing up to the mains. Yes, I've ordered a pull cord rape alarm to attach to the (next) bike. Without being (too) flippant about this, WTF can I do to protect this little bit of kit?

Currently, having given up on a high frequency generator (unless you sparky types can suggest something none lethal) I'm stuck with the inconvenience of removing the front wheel (of the new bike) and storing the thing on the bow.

Thieving scrotes just walk in, 20.03 last night according to marina cameras, take a lump of something heavy, break the bl**dy lock and nick my current transport. We're on board most of the year, and didn't hear a thing.

Your thoughts.... :mad:

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18 Sep 2012
Bromley, Kent - Sail in Medway
Is it possible to keep it out of sight of the scrotes? If they dont see it then they may not steal it? Even if not hidden, then hauled up high on the unlit side of a building, anywhere that's out of normal eye line.

Nah, the cat burglars we're discussing here would have staked out the property for a few days in advance, so as to be sure to bring the correct team of specialists and expert tools with them.


New member
25 Dec 2009
Mmm... I've been trying to avoid it but it looks like the bike will have to live on the bow nailed down with a stainless chain, a decent lock and no front wheel!

I've been trying to avoid it simply because it's so awkward. The upside is that it will be awkward for the scrotes too. :(


30 Oct 2010
Loch lomond
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Treble hook stuck in the saddle attached to the frame by wire pike trace when they get the nip you will hear them and they wont run far with a bike hanging from there cheek.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
One of these cannot be broken open with a hammer and just comes within budget. Any old length of anchor chain would deter most people, maybe not professional thieves but then they might not be interested in a £30 bike?

Why are you thinking stainless chain? It is no stronger than Grade 30 steel and a lot more expensive. I would suggest a metre of 12 mm galvanised and that padlock would be pretty secure


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30 May 2001
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Haul it up the mast, then they will have to figure out which rope to release to get it down again. That will slow them down a bit and probably put them off because its no longer an easy job.


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12 Oct 2010
If you're technically minded, there was something I recall from a program similar to Brainiacs where the presenters tried to create anti-theft cycles.

My favourite was the one where he put a gear arrangement at the bottom of the steering shaft before the forks, when you engage it, it reverses the steering, hearing the satisfying splash as the would-be thief tries to cycle left off the pontoon and goes right off into the drink would be well worth the effort! ;)


Well-known member
4 May 2007
Cambridge, UK
If you're technically minded, there was something I recall from a program similar to Brainiacs where the presenters tried to create anti-theft cycles.

My favourite was the one where he put a gear arrangement at the bottom of the steering shaft before the forks, when you engage it, it reverses the steering, hearing the satisfying splash as the would-be thief tries to cycle left off the pontoon and goes right off into the drink would be well worth the effort! ;)

I remember once seeing a programme - maybe Tomorrow's World or something like it - where they were investigating the way people's reflexes are wired up. One of the tests was to ride a bike with the steering reversed. The subjects knew the steering was reversed, so you'd think it was just a matter of mentally adjusting to it - after all, we can all steer with either tiller or wheel, and the reflexes required are just as different. Apparently is is practically impossible to balance a bike with reversed steering; certainly none of the presenters or experimental subjects that were filmed could remain on it long enough to fall off a pontoon! You'd still get the splash - but it would probably be them falling sideways off the pontoon, rather than the bike going in :D


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29 Nov 2009
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Apparently is is practically impossible to balance a bike with reversed steering

At the village fete when I was growing up, there was always a man with his collection of "wobbly bikes". Some had off-centre wheel hubs, some had the chain routed so you had to pedal backwards, some had brakes you had to hold to go and release to stop, and some had the steering reversed. Some had combinations of these, though I don't think there was a bike with everything.

They were all difficult to ride, but the backwards steering was by far the hardest. Some people could manage it though.



Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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I remember once seeing a programme - maybe Tomorrow's World or something like it - where they were investigating the way people's reflexes are wired up. One of the tests was to ride a bike with the steering reversed. The subjects knew the steering was reversed, so you'd think it was just a matter of mentally adjusting to it - after all, we can all steer with either tiller or wheel, and the reflexes required are just as different. Apparently is is practically impossible to balance a bike with reversed steering; certainly none of the presenters or experimental subjects that were filmed could remain on it long enough to fall off a pontoon! You'd still get the splash - but it would probably be them falling sideways off the pontoon, rather than the bike going in :D

The son of a sadly deceased freind has-and can ride very well- a bicycle with reverse steering. It is a tatty old thing and was used as a sideshow in the local county show for years untill H&S became an issue. It took him a considerable time to master it, and he requires ten minutes practice to get back in the groove. He is a motorcycle Trials and Racing champion so he is not a duffer. He is also an ace on a unicycle which he maintains is a doddle by comparison.


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26 Nov 2011
Northern Ireland
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Reverse steering

The son of a sadly deceased freind has-and can ride very well- a bicycle with reverse steering. It is a tatty old thing and was used as a sideshow in the local county show for years untill H&S became an issue. It took him a considerable time to master it, and he requires ten minutes practice to get back in the groove. He is a motorcycle Trials and Racing champion so he is not a duffer. He is also an ace on a unicycle which he maintains is a doddle by comparison.

I have one which I built years ago for a summer fete, but as well as the reverse steering it is steered by the back wheel. We used to really enjoy watching people trying to ride it in a straight line.


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9 Sep 2004
Firth of Clyde
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PITA! Obviously the more you do to hide bits, the longer it takes to re-assemble. You want available transport.
I wonder a few things - stolen to order for somebodies Xmas pressy?
What's the marina security man say about his failure?
Can you hang it over the rail away from the pontoon side so it isn't seen?
A really loud alarm operated by a bit of fishing line through the frame to an innocuous switch may spook an opportunist.
I dream of doing things with car ignition coils - they give a good jolt which I'd defy you not to want to disconnect from - easily done with ships 12V and a trembler switch. I was originally thinking about seagulls but your cause is more appropriate...
Problem is, the scum is probably reading this an another stolen device, we need to meet privately to discuss the ultimate deterrent. .(it involves out of date flares)


Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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I have one which I built years ago for a summer fete, but as well as the reverse steering it is steered by the back wheel. We used to really enjoy watching people trying to ride it in a straight line.

Nice one! I once read about an interval attraction at a Midlands grass track motorcycle race where the public were offered a prize if they could lap in one minute or less on an old Douglas. Four laps in a race was only 85 seconds, so it appeared to be easy. The bike had wildly eccentric wheels, also of different diameters. This made it immpossible to ride fast enough to take the money. Even the top racers could not do it. There are some devious buggers about..................