Light bulbs, you are not a real sailor if you have this new fangled electrickery on board, bound to go wrong. What you need is a good old reliable hurricane lamp
Ah, there you have it! At least three. One to have the need, a second to say "wouldn't do it that way mate" then a third (or more) to settle the argument
What would the point of having a lightbulb on a yacht be? I have a heavy bulb on the bottom of my keel, but if it was a light one I'd probably simply ditch it.
1 to get the ladder
1 to suggest that is not the seaman-like way to do it and suggest bosun's chair.
1 to say that's not appropriate without an RYA approved winch handler
1 to say they have done it by balancing chairs on tables perfectly well
1 to say on a ****ing idiot would try that
1 to say they have been fitting light bulbs professionally for many years........
1 to say is it EU approved or is there a new specification
1 to say there is too much regulation about light bulbs
1 to say we should leave the EU
1 to say that where they live men come to do it for them
1 to say the police have arrested him for even thinking about changing a light bulb
1 to suggest getting an immigrant of indeterminate colour to do the job
1 to say for ****'s sake you could have done the job by now it's only a ****ing light bulb.
"Bulbs are what you plant in the garden to get flowers you Muppet!!! Lamps are what you sticks in a socket. What are we going to do with you? Never be a seaman as long as your a**e points down!!!"
As the ship's electrician would scream, when asked for a bulb on the cadet training ship.