Hmmm. Is there censorship on this BB?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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What happened to the post I made yesterday re spooky promotion (Matts's) to Addict status on this BB, and future career prospects? I admit unreservedly that it was frivolous, waste of time, nothing to do with boats, etc (nothing new there). But what happened to it, did it get completely whacked by K+K?? Or do posts didappear for techy reasons?



Re: a little bit, but

Realising that I am an addict, I posted over 50 near-zero-text messages to see what happened at (say) 100 or 125. Negative result and (not too surprising) entire thread canned, altho my score now rather spuriously high. They were only half-bottles, and I didn't inhale anyway.

Plan B now to request that title "addict" be dropped. Or praps career path defined such as Addict Manager, Corporate Addict Director, Group Managing Addict, and finally Partner.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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All is clear now (and OT-road traffic)

Ah right, I see, didn't check back yesterday so didn't see your 50 odd posts, all is clear now. Kind of censorship I s'pose - you're allowed to say "poo" but not post "nm"

Hey how's morpheous? I'm sitting here with much egg on face. As prev discussed I have half a ton of electronics on the car to prevent this stuff happening, but I got done again yesterday. Serious poop this time, 99 in a 70, it was a hairdrier laser job. Court I think, not fixed penalty. Seriously, do you know any good lawyers for this kinda stuff - I've asked around but not found a %&*$ hot recommendation yet?



Re: OT road stuff

Bummer. No, I don't think tyhat there are any good lawyers on this really cos not much loot in it hence don't normally launch six-week jfm-V-Regina old bailey court case. Also clever-dick lawyers wind up the nice old ladies on bench.

With hairdrier, the cops just "announce"the reading and where it was pointing, and it somehow must be you. or in the old days pre-camera they get you in the car and point at contraption that says 102.2 and you say er but my FM radio says that too, but still nicked.

Best bet is extr contrite : it was a partner's car that you'd been allowed to use on that day (correct?) and you don't normally drive anywhere near that speed (normally 40 or 120) There's no excuse, and I completely understand the offence, and very very very sorry indeed. £140 quid and banned for 1 week. Much better than the urgent poorly relative rubbish dished up by idiots in front of you to see beaky. Can announce impending vital business trip abroad to delay hearing to shortly before overseas holiday.

For a ban, the (six?) points come off after the ban is over. Good eh? Well, quite good.

Also, past record doesn't have much bearing. So, if you get banned for 4 weeks (say) for 112 mph in Taunton (say), and then (say) 109 a couple of years later on the M25 it can be only 2 weeks ban for second offnece. Dunno why. And then later in say fast Italian car (belonging to a Director!) that you were allowed to drive for the weekend on the A3 at 107 it's a week. With such a record, resist the strong temptation to point out that you are actually getting slower. The closer to London the better, as everyone drives like mad and quite understandable whereas in Taunton they hate fast yuppies tearing thru.

Court job much better than totting up points at 92 like daft wife for praps 12 months of ban. Your problem y'see, like the bank robber who doesn't steal enuf loot to get a decenet lawyer, is that you may not have been going fast enough!

Now, if you do get banned, it's normally for 4 weeks or 2 if you are very sorry indeed, or er 1 week and doing 107 in Ferrari with just-clean licence.

Oh, and be v wary of driving near-enuf at end of ban, instead of at end of ban. Sneaky rozzers can trap you as you arrive home. Ooer.

For future reference

1. The slumped over the wheel gambit: stop car very badly, pass out over wheel, or unlock car and fall out onto road.

2. the out-of control gambit: zoom around corner, then when a bit clear park, pop bonnet, jam throttle with dead leaves and Look! to officer who arrives.

Good luck

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by matts on Wed Jun 20 16:57:56 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: OT road stuff

Thanks Matt, cheered me up. Did I detect an autobiographical tone to your post?

Thing is, a 1 month or 2 week ban is no prob, I'll just get a driver and take a vacation (just chartered a 2001 Sq55 in Palma, August, it has jetski so jfm very popular with kids at the mo. Bareboat, they were easily duped or desperate for cash). What worries me is 6 months ban as it gets a bit frigging inconvenient. From what you said, a shortish ban looks a reasonably likely outcome, what was worrying me (maybe I'm ignorant here) is that when you hit 12 points it's an automatic 6 month ban, but maybe I got that wrong. Thanks again



Re: OT road stuff

won't be heard in time for august. 6-month is for very horrid and having a fight with policeman types, or fotballers. Not for professional unfortunates with excellent um record of whatever.

More Hints

Do not say that you had a lapse of concentration, or "weren't thinking". You were concentrating, but didn't realise the speed you were doing, unfamiliar with quietness etc. This esp good if you not keeper of car.

If you are (sort of partly) responsible for any NHS sites people or er computers then you might get a suitable letter from the head of that division saying how important it is for you to go out and about, although even HoD recognises that it is an offence.

Some (but only a bit!) of this is autobiographical. the rest is simply for example, and I certainly wasn't doing 112 on the M5! More like... erm well alright


Re: OT road stuff

More likely 115 through the back streets of Gt Yarmouth if I remember correctly. All I asked is how fast does this Ferrari go? You only had to say, not show.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: good stuff

Thanks Colin for that bit of clarification! Hey, no word on that plotter auction, the guy seems to have cleared off.

Matt thanks. I'm OK with a couple of weeks so that's fine. I am the reg keeper of the drug-dealer-and-pimp-mobile but I'll try the "it is new ish and I'm unfamiliar by how quiet it was and I only momentarily got to that speed and learnt lesson and very sorry" which sounds similar.

Oh and Mr computery-guy, whadya take me for? I wouldn't get involved with those DSS/NHS contracts, not frigging likely, no thanks, I'll stick to safer stuff wiv normal clients ta very much!



Re: All is clear now (and OT-road traffic)

I did find a website about police radar equipment and stuff you can do if you are caught but I cannot find it now? I can only suggest thorough searching ? Sorry!


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Re: All is clear now (and OT-road traffic)

Don't be selfish and think of others, while the Police were busy nicking you for speeding some poor people had it worse. There was probably an old dear having her pension stolen, someone else having their house burgled and some teenager being mugged for their Trainers. There's a moral there somewhere.



Re: clarification, oh dear

Of course, nobody wd want those dss/nhs contracts! But you could still have special responsibility for them nonetheless. They'd be very very important and possible death of poor people which beaky will note carefully. The fact that there aren't any held at the moment becos you can't stand them is a mere technicality, not worth mentioning.


Re: All is clear now (and OT-road traffic)

Ah but think of the poor deprived upbringing those perpetrating the crimes must have had and how they were abused as children etc etc. And considetr that if the police had knicked them the waste of police time and public money just to bring them to court where they plead that in reality they are the victims and then of course all that added time and expense of social services having to get involved and so on. Much better to knick a rich bas**rd for speeding. He's got the dosh to pay the fine today, so a nice and quick and easy result with no cost to anyone apart from jfm. Makes economic sense to me.


Re: ah but (3)

There again the social services are there for a good reason, and that's erm, well, anyway My Client , ahem, jfm is a fine taxpaying concientious chap who is utterly skint! On account of having spent all that loot on electronic gimcrackery which temporarily diverted his attention, and also hiring an S55 in the Balearics, simply to give his family a break! And since also, the policeman who stopped him, Officer Hindusha, is conspicous by his absence on this forum (ripple of applause) I would urge HM Govt to let us all of speeding fines for a little while just like they do in France when they have a new President. And there's no point in a ban either cos he'll just go on holiday so no point in a ban, M'lud.


New member
21 Jun 2001
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If there isn't censorship, perhaps there should be to eliminate this drivel about speeding and "look what I'm doing." Why can't Matts and jfm go to e-mail if they want to chat to each other at great length?