HELP ---->>>>>>>


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Old bloke in Greek Isles said to me along time ago.
" How come you meet the girl in a pub, club, dance hall, or where ever. And from then on there always asking why do you go to the pub." "If I did'nt we'd never have met!"



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23 Jul 2001
Malvern, Worcs
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Now SWMBO has announced that the Lounge needs to be decorated - so Do I do the lounge first - new carpets, suite, decorate etc £1000's to redo and then buy the boat or buy the boat first ???????

Adrian :))


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: matts boat-buying gambit, again


How it works.

1. Preparation. Decide on a boat, as much or even quite a lot more than what you can sensibly afford. Find an advert for said boat in the UK- if new, a sales outlet, if second hand then a marina not too far away. Learn the details of this boat (length, no of cabins) and the price. Agonise (pleasantly, to self surrounded by mags) for several evenings, but on no account try any persuasion regarding megaboat. Revise the fine details of a dream boat. Fine details are : a) the external colour b) the colour of the carpets. The answers to these are a)"blue", and b)" contrasting purpley deep blue carpet inside"

2 Then one night, arrive home in mental turmoil. Oh dear, I'm so sorry dear. What? Well, I know I shouldn't have but I've gone and put a deposit down on a (£x thousand/million) pound boat, I don't really know what I was thinking and I'm not sure how we'll manage.

3. Shut up and await her response.

4a: She goes ape, theatens dire consequences
4b: she says, Well, um there's that er money I hadn't really wanted to mention etc, and I suppose we don't need to etc ... anyway, this boat WHAT'S IT LIKE? Your answer is "blue outside, with contrasting purpley deep blue carpet on the inside". She's hooked. You can dish out all other details of what it is and where etc for realism. If it goes really well, mention that some aspects can be changed to suit.

If it's 4a, then run outside and burble into the mobile phone and pretend you've cancelled it. But usually, it's answer 4b! Hooray! So you can order it (or similar) for real!

Which is why we have a rather over-ambitious boat, and live in a rabbit hutch. Do please post your results.


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31 Jan 2002
Port Solent
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Re: Do not let wife read above posting!!!

All right, all right then, you caught me on a wet Sunday afternoon, after a wet Saturday, with nothing much (apart from obvious washing, ironing, cooking, taxi and other wifely services, but efficiency is all) to do, but even us poor hard working wives need a break, and as I can't go off and do what I'd really like, I got stuck on the puter.

The only rational reason for my initial reply is that I must be deeply depressed, having not been near the boat for what is months now, the LBS is a fading memory, and it doesn't look like we'll get the boat back before half term.....there, thats off my chest (no jokes please) that feels better already.

Some good reasons for a girl to want to own a boat - I presume this is a joint account venture, or you wouldn't even be asking.

1. Make sure its moored somewhere near some good shopping (no not Tescos).

2. On a regular basis, equality being all, decide to take much needed time off, disappear on Friday night, reappear late Sunday afternoon, having given HIM a lovely chance to bond with his offspring. Always buy the boat something on these trips, it'll make everyone feel better.

3. Don't feel guilty about this, HE doesn't on his boys only trips, remember he's so hard working to afford this boat after all!! although remember, he will always have some vital reason to try out some new piece of kit, this works both ways.

4. You can learn to handle the boat as well, It'll give you a great sense of satisfaction. It'll certainly give him something to worry about when you take all your girl friends away for the weekend, even if you get no further that the nearest shoe shop.

5. HE will always have justification for buying some expensive piece of kit, so have you now, if he can afford £300 on a bit of electronics, so must you have that new dinner service, the old one can at least go to the boat, ditto saucepans, cushions, and virtually any other household stuff.

6. Actually you do get nice days out, sometimes whole nice weekends, and occasionally really nice weeks, and as long as you're dressed for it, it doesn't matter what time of year either. HE always wants to drive, except for the boring bits, so I don't mind doing those bits, then I can sunbathe, or if wet curl up with cup of tea, and read a book. We always try to arrive somewhere in time for lunch, or if on a longer trip, soup and sandwiches, with a nice meal out in the evening, but always keep emergency rations on board, tinned beans, tuna, pasta, biscuits, and booze.

7. Children, they love it, if they're big enough they can help with everything, throwing ropes, watching the radar, swabbing decks, running errands, and meeting other children, whose parents are also usually very appreciative of some company. There will be times that they will get sea sick, bored, wet, so loads of games needed, Uno is a favourite, and everyone can play it., game boy, TV/video if you've got space. If they start young enough, a life jacket is an exciting thing to wear, and by the time they realise its a pain, they also realise how important it is, especially if all adults always wear one as well, by this time they will have fallen in at least once. Wet suits are a good idea for trips to beach.

8. You will always have something to talk about at those parties where the conversation has gone dead, and its amazing how many people are interested, or am I mistaking that glazed look in their eyes for something else.

Sorry, this has turned into an assumption that the boat is bought, I mean what the hell, who wouldn't want to get out there and just have some fun. Get on with it, you don't know what you're missing. I think the bug has caught me far worse than I expected. Am I forgiven?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: No!

The reason for the silence at dinner parties is the shock of you taking all the poxy old pots and pans on to a lovely boat. I would nick that nice dinner service and take it to the boat.

Seriously Falcon 71..what sort of boat is it? Is it a falcon 71?


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11 Dec 2001
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Re: Do not let wife read above posting!!!

Apology accepted. Ah well that's OK then, posting on a Monday morning whilst you're waiting for the washing machine to do whatever it is that it does, is OK. Just a bit concerned that he was letting you have a lazy Sunday afternoon. Or was it that he was out working on your boat and you were skiving at home?

Some good tips here that I think my wife must have worked on me, 'cos some of them seem remarkably familiar. And I always thought the wimmin didn't use devious tactics. Or is that me being a bit naive?

Oh and if you're suffering boat withdrawal symptoms, in Feb there's Boat Shows in Fort Lauderdale, Chicago, Atlantic City, Montreal, Miami, Ghent, Amsterdam, Copenhgagen, Goteborg, Tokyo, Istanbul, Helsinki and Zagreb, so I'm fairly sure you could put together a nice winter break holiday and combine it with some proper shopping.