New member
I think most of us are aware that antifouling paints containing tributyl tin are now banned and that care should be taken in removing old A/F paint. In one of the threads on this subject in, I think, the last year or so, one of our forumites mentioned that an acquaintence had been quite ill after sanding off some of this paint. Although I've carried out a search I can't seem to locate this particuliar thread.
The reason I am trying to trace this posting is that I scraped off some old anti fouling paint about 6 weeks ago and since then have been suffering from throat problems -very sore and even bleeding in the early stages. I thought I'd taken all the necessary precautions - face mask, face visor overalls, gloves etc. - but due to my glasses steaming up I have to confess that I was less than diligent with the face mask and I certainly got some of the stuff in my mouth. Despite several visits to the doctor (or rather doctors as you can never seem to get an appointment with your own GP) and a chest X-ray the consensus seems to be that I've got a simple throat infection. However, I've never known one last this long with little improvement. When you mention tbt the doctors simply look blank. Talking to the experts at a well known paint company they tell me that tbt in contact with the skin causes blistering and burning which seems to match the problems I'm experiencing in my throat.
So, does anyone have any knowledge of the likely immediate symptoms of inhaling or ingesting tbt paint? Please go easy on the details - I understand it can act as a gender bender (definitely not one of my symptoms) and I'm sure in the longer term as a carcinogen.
I've tried talking to Guy's toxicology department but they will only deal with the medical profession. Obviously I will go back to the quacks if things don't improve but it would useful to get more information before I 'trouble' them yet again.
I should add that I'm not normally a hypochondriac and before this could barely remember the name of my GP.
Thanks, croak, thanks.
The reason I am trying to trace this posting is that I scraped off some old anti fouling paint about 6 weeks ago and since then have been suffering from throat problems -very sore and even bleeding in the early stages. I thought I'd taken all the necessary precautions - face mask, face visor overalls, gloves etc. - but due to my glasses steaming up I have to confess that I was less than diligent with the face mask and I certainly got some of the stuff in my mouth. Despite several visits to the doctor (or rather doctors as you can never seem to get an appointment with your own GP) and a chest X-ray the consensus seems to be that I've got a simple throat infection. However, I've never known one last this long with little improvement. When you mention tbt the doctors simply look blank. Talking to the experts at a well known paint company they tell me that tbt in contact with the skin causes blistering and burning which seems to match the problems I'm experiencing in my throat.
So, does anyone have any knowledge of the likely immediate symptoms of inhaling or ingesting tbt paint? Please go easy on the details - I understand it can act as a gender bender (definitely not one of my symptoms) and I'm sure in the longer term as a carcinogen.
I've tried talking to Guy's toxicology department but they will only deal with the medical profession. Obviously I will go back to the quacks if things don't improve but it would useful to get more information before I 'trouble' them yet again.
I should add that I'm not normally a hypochondriac and before this could barely remember the name of my GP.
Thanks, croak, thanks.