

Active member
7 Sep 2001
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I have noticed around the coast of UK and some places abroad, the wearing of merchant navy or royal navy hats, often with white tops. There seem to be a multitude of them about, often worn with a blazer, with anchors, crowns and all such manner of badges, I even saw one with a scots guards cap badge, and a REME cap badge. My question is the entitlement of wearing such a hat, does one have to be a captain? of any desciption, army one for the REME or guards? can one wear one when you are not on your own boat, as you are no longer the captain if visiting somebody else? Its very puzzling, is there some etiquette involved as in the case of ensigns? Are the RYA involved in issuing licences for the use of etc. Please let me know if anybody can and any addresses where I could obtain a suitably used salty example! Also does one need to be a Breton to wear a breton cap, as I see alot of those aswell, normally with a reefer jacket?


The answer must surely be NO! Nor do you have to be a budding Andy Caddick or Darren Gough to wear a bowler, a Yanky to wear a baseball hat or a Dutchman to wear a cap!


You can BUT

Any uniform GARMENT can be worn by anyone, but you CANNOT wear it with the buttons / badges / insignia of a recognised service etc. Technically you cannot wear a Cap with a Club badge, unless you are an Official of the club !!!! I didn't know that until some smart arse years ago showed me !!!! (I wasn't and still am not into wearing such articles ...)
The MN Cap, as you are referring to is available from Outfitters in most Port Towns stock caps and they are expensive for what they are ! And before anyone asks You cannot buy Scrambled Egg without authority ..... used to be Miller & Rayners in Southampton / London etc. They can ask for your ID Card, but generally don't bother .....

I have two Caps from my time on ships and they are tucked away in a locker at home ......
I normally wear a Breton as I find it far more comfortable ! And in Winter I wear a Cossack Russian job ..... its warmer !!!!


The only time I wore mine was when I was at Naval College for morning Inspection and then later when we had a Service at Sea for someone lost o/board. Rest of the time it stayed in the locker ......

I only wear my Breton / Cossack job for comfort and to keep the oilies hood out of my eyes !!!!!

I actually object to some of the 'snobs' who sail / motor around with a MN cap on ...... it wouldn't be so bad, but a lot of 'em a) fly the Blue, b) show what prats they really are sometimes, c) fail to display common courtesy and knowledge of the rules ..... is it the Cap that does it ????? Cap ON, brain OFF ???????

So I think have just about covered the standard ones there >>>>>>> Blue Ensigns, Rule of the Road, Snobs, Caps, hogging the channel .......

There must be something I forgot ??????

Nigel L


Active member
7 Sep 2001
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I managed to raise a few answers, thanks chaps, I also would not be seen in one, wore one for years in the army, wouldnt do so again, plus I look a "prate" in any hat, no smart arse comments please! Thanks lads, made amusing reading, back to ensigna I guess!!!


Re: Honesty

No-one seems to want to admit it, but I guess one of my reasons for wearing a hat - 'baseball' in summer, fleece in winter is to cover and protect my "high forehead". OK - bald dome. I am not yet old enough for the captains hat and the faded red cloth trousers, but I am getting there.


But I do have a couple of Classic's ..... living and working in the Former Soviet Union as I do ..... I came across two beauties ! Yeh I know ones a fiancee !!!!

A Tank Commanders Peaked Cap + Naval Commanders Cap with Scrambled egg - BOTH Soviet ...... and they are genuine !! I also have a Soviet Army Officers Fur Hat ...... NO I am NOT selling them any one !!!!

Now one of those would be interesting on the boat !!!!!!