Hamble public moorings


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23 Oct 2002
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In response to PBO Editorial, November 2002 'Golden Opportunity'.

As the River Hamble Harbour Master, can I correct a number of inaccuracys in this editorial comment refering to the 'aims and objectives' of the consultative pamphlet 'Towards a River Hamble Harbour Plan'.
This pamplet sets out a number of strategic objectives. Detailed plans will be prepared following and reflecting the consultation. The proposals can be summarised : -

To relocate the magority of the 600 moorings, leased to individuals, into a number of 'public boat havens' or piled pontooned areas, all located below chart datum and accessable by tender, river-bus or with secure shore links. I can confirm that these moorings will to be managed by the Harbour Authority on behalf of the Crown Estate. (This 'golden opportunity' has not been missed.)

To relocate some 650 'working moorings' currently leased by the Crown Estate to Yacht Clubs, contractors and Boat Yards, into 'club boat havens' or incoporated on to, or adjacent to the Yards own berths.

To create open areas of the river, restore safe dinghy and small boat sailing clear of the main channels and, enhance the future environment of the river with unobstructed views and minimal disturbance to wild life, both above and below the water.

To welcome visiting yachts, working with the local businesses and authorities to create or improve visiting yacht facilities for the economic benefit of these communities.

To work with the marinas, boat yards and local authoritys to minimise the impact of cars on the local communities and to enhance safe access to the river. To use the river as a link between the communities with regular, reliable river buses connecting to public transport, car and tourist parking.

To provide comprehensive environmental facilities with 'service-pontoons' providing waste recycling, potable water and pump-out available to all river users.

Finally, can I emphasise that this is not an overnight solution. The aims and objectives will take many years to acheive, but are acheivable, with constructive and realistic partnerships and co-operation between all the river community.

Please note my correct e-mail address is - richard.exley@hants.gov.uk


With all the hot air around moorings etc etc I am amazed that no one has responded to your post. Good or bad for yachtsmen on the Hamble , I don't know it well enough & haven't seen the PBO article. It is nice though to see a public official pitching on a BB and state the intent.

Courtesy is an iota but makes the world go round


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31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Many thanks for taking the trouble to post.

I guess I have a general feeling of 'if it ain't broke don't fix it', and if your are going to do something do it slowly and piecemeal, so that you can back away from it at any point if it appears not to be having the desired effect.

I must say, for me at least, the trauma of the Hamble River is not when actually in the river, but in vicinity of Hamble Point buoy, where departing motorboats decide it's time to put the foot down, arriving motorboats suddenly go from 25kts to 6, and sailing boats perform all sorts of unpredictable evolutions in the course of putting sails up or taking them down. Add in the possibility of a bit of dinghy racing going on, Red Jet II wazzing past on the way up Soton Water and the odd gas tanker at anchor and you've got a built-in yachtmaster's exam every day!


New member
11 Jan 2002
Hampshire, UK
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The River Hamble Mooring Holders Association has provided members with an extremely comprehensive critique of the proposals. Anyone with any interest in the Hamble would be well advised to join ASAP See www.rhmha.fsnet.co.uk (Sorry - don't know how to hyperlink!)