Well-known member
Charts arent free, WE pay/paid for them to be surveyed eventually by government. A point that the USA recognises and so the data is free from them. The UK gov and Oz? charge, a fact that tees people off? So we ARE a reliable source of revenus through our taxes!A problem s that now charts, or their electronic versions, for commercial vessels have different specifications to the ones we want. Our needs are not much different to that of Bass and Flinders (or Cook) but we are not a reliable source of revenue (in fact we all want it for free - or as a right). If bits of the world change, Bajansailor's reef, who cares (commercially)? Most commercial vessels are now large and our yachts are the same size, or some of them, as those of Cook who did much of their surveys of interest to us in 'big tenders'. Maersk are not going to pay for charts derived from 'big tenders'.
Different demands need different solutions