Much ado about nothing
First, you can only be sued if you've been negligent (ie. if you haven't done something that a reasonable person/skipper ought to have done in the circumstances) and your negligence has caused someone damage. Why shouldn't you pay in those circs.?
To take the example of a crew member suffering brain damage after being hit on the head by the boom: you're unlikely to be liable to someone who has sailed before since they should know about the boom danger. With a person who has never sailed before you can avoid being sued simply by doing what any reasonable skipper would do: point out to them when you set off that they should keep their head out of the way of the boom when running downwind/gybing.
Second: everyone seems to think that no win no fee means unlimited free litigation. Lawyers don't like working for free. They will only take on cases that stand a reasonable chance of winning. After that it's up to the judge to decide whether the negligent skipper ought to compensate the victim for the skipper's stupidity. So, if you think people are being awarded damages where they don't deserve to, blame the judge. Actually that's kind of tricky since the judge will have spent days pouring over the facts and all the arguments whereas you will probably make your decision based on 5 minutes reading some twisted dross in a newspaper.
The no fee no win arrangement is actually a useful way of allowing people who are not rich but have a genuine complaint a chance to get compensation. Otherwise litigation is just for the rich. If someone brings a claim which is clearly frivolous the judge will order him to pay the other side's legal costs anyway.
Everyone seems to be assuming that they will be the one being sued. Actually in a typical law case, for every person being sued there is typically also one doing the suing. So you could just as easily be a victim of someone else's stupidity as you could be the one who was stupid. Your perspective on whether you approve of suing people may change dramatically.
p.s. no I am not a no fee/no win personal injury lawyer
First, you can only be sued if you've been negligent (ie. if you haven't done something that a reasonable person/skipper ought to have done in the circumstances) and your negligence has caused someone damage. Why shouldn't you pay in those circs.?
To take the example of a crew member suffering brain damage after being hit on the head by the boom: you're unlikely to be liable to someone who has sailed before since they should know about the boom danger. With a person who has never sailed before you can avoid being sued simply by doing what any reasonable skipper would do: point out to them when you set off that they should keep their head out of the way of the boom when running downwind/gybing.
Second: everyone seems to think that no win no fee means unlimited free litigation. Lawyers don't like working for free. They will only take on cases that stand a reasonable chance of winning. After that it's up to the judge to decide whether the negligent skipper ought to compensate the victim for the skipper's stupidity. So, if you think people are being awarded damages where they don't deserve to, blame the judge. Actually that's kind of tricky since the judge will have spent days pouring over the facts and all the arguments whereas you will probably make your decision based on 5 minutes reading some twisted dross in a newspaper.
The no fee no win arrangement is actually a useful way of allowing people who are not rich but have a genuine complaint a chance to get compensation. Otherwise litigation is just for the rich. If someone brings a claim which is clearly frivolous the judge will order him to pay the other side's legal costs anyway.
Everyone seems to be assuming that they will be the one being sued. Actually in a typical law case, for every person being sued there is typically also one doing the suing. So you could just as easily be a victim of someone else's stupidity as you could be the one who was stupid. Your perspective on whether you approve of suing people may change dramatically.
p.s. no I am not a no fee/no win personal injury lawyer