Great day out...


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10 Sep 2001
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A boaty post to annoy all those stuck at their desk, longing for the weekend.

I asked KevB if he could spare a day to give me a hand with my new toy. Like a shot he agreed straight away (anything for a days playing in a boat). I've only ever driven a twin briefly before so I wanted someone who had a clue what was going to happen there, and also a line catcher <G>.

Off with the covers about 09:00 and then we set to work trying to untie the thing. The previous owner had obviously decided that if the wind was ever going to catch the boat it would take the pontoon with it! We couldn't get the bow thruster powered up - but decided that as the day was near enough zero wind it would be girlie to use it.

We spent an hour or so in the marina - what a revelation in terms of being able to turn and steer the boat, it's a damm sight easier than my old single was. We even managed not to dink anyone in the marina. Having finally got bored at 3kts we locked out. Ha - geting into the lock is easy, no fears there then (of course I stuffed it up slightly coming back). Down through the harbour at 4 to 5kts - we saw a small cruiser belting along and thought "Ha the harbour master will have words with him..." except of course it was the harbour master - ho hum.

Out to sea and a chance to open her up. Smooth power delivery and off we went, shame we couldn't hit the design speed - we saw 32kts on the GPS and 40mph through the water - plenty fast enough! Some trouble working out where to position the legs and trim tabs (and decoding the switches as to which does which) but with Kev's help we worked out some settings that get her onto the plane quickly and then help the cruise.

Back into the harbour and up to Chichester. Again an empty lock but I struggled to get off the side - still nothing bent or scraped.

A pie and pint and then we decided that the sunny afternoon precluded anything to hard. So we phaffed around on fitting the chart plotter - but gave up. It took me 45 mins to reassemble the canopy (some room for improvement there I think!), and about an hour to wash the boat down.

Marina (off the liveraboards forum) and her husband came over about 17:30ish and checked out the coolness of the beers in the fridge, and I tried to find if I had any ailment that would keep me off work for a further day - but bugger it, I was fit so I had to go home and come to work.

Now nicely sun-burnt I can't wait for the weekend. I have been advised that others find boat talk and tales of twin engines and ribs and snap-davits and forum burgrees boring. So I've said it all here <G>

Cheers - 3 days to the weekend.

PS. - The bow thruster, that would be another switch in the isolater cupboard - once turned, no worries.

Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: ooh

Sounds fun.

Pity it didn't make the claimed max speed. But I think this dependent on v clean bottom, v flat water so no wavelets, and probly hardly any water in tanks, just quarter full? Also judicious lies from boat manufacturers who quote best ever on boat with no kit and driven by lightweight midget. In other words, chuck yerself off and it'll go faster.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Excellent stuff. Might see you saturday then? I have not checked tides and stuff, not weather, but who cares. Will I be able to get into Chichester at a sensible time?


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10 Sep 2001
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Re: alternative plan

Milford on Sea maybe JFM? Actually you'd probably be in Chichester before I've explained to SWMBO how to untie the boat...

Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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World record contender

You have excellent potential.

Trumpet your world record attempt on Chichester - Beaulieu. Bog around a bit at the start, perhaps swap the carefully honed crew about a bit, then eff it up on arival at port and blame something that everyone else missed. Push to the front of the queue at the Master Builder bungem 20 Bensons and claim a new record of only 55 minutes for getting served 3 lagers and some crisps.


New member
10 Sep 2001
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Re: World record contender

I think I already hold the record for the fastest boat to cross Chichester lock entrance. However I gladly accept all platiitudes and will willingly put Soltron stickers on my fuel filters for a grand an engine. If I can get more then I will put some on my cockpit windows as well - small ones mind you, very small ones.

I found a packet of crushed Bensons in the bilges of MVII, do make sure your SWMBO knows I am slowing down your consumption <G>

Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)