Has anyone any experience of these : sailing qualities, sensible price to pay for a good used one, how many built. any common defects, plus points etc.
Are they not a wooden Shrimper, well pretty near anyway. One of the yards in Salcombe tried to get them going but they work out a bit pricy. Something over 23k new and that was a few years ago. I met a guy in East Cowes sailing one at a OG do and he loved it but he thought they were pretty thin on the ground/water.
As far as I'm aware these boats were sold as plans only, by Roger Dongray, of shrimper fame. There is a very good article about them in Classic Boat 121 from July 98. They are much nicer boats than Shrimpers, having no chines. They were designed to be built by the strip plank method.
Plans ( and probably advice) are availablefrom: Roger Dongray Yacht Plan Services, Tel 01208 873648
If these are not what you are after or you can't find one, try a Memory 19, a wonderful boat, available new at the ridiculously cheap price of 14-18k. Cheaper second hand. Contact Salterns Yard in Burseldon.
Hi, I'm just about done building one of these. Not sailed it yet, but drop me a line if there's anything you'd like to know about how they go together.
Best regards