GK24 Drying out


New member
23 Jan 2003
Solent/south coast
I need to replace a seacock and was thinking of the cheap option of drying out on the tide somwhere to do it. However I am a little concerned that my keel is short and the boat may be unstable.

Has anyone else tried drying out the deep-fin version of the GK24 (I'm sure there muse be!) Was it ok, and any tips??

oh, and yes I am planning to lean it against piles (I know somone would pick up on that!)

many thanks, g

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14 Jul 2003
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we dry out short fin keels all the time at our club. No travel hoists available nearby and crane cost are steep. We typically go against quay walls which means a solid base and a few points to tie off on the quay. The boat will either go bow or stern down - maybe it will balance beautifully!!. I had a GK29 which tended to go stern down and my last boat bow down. Until you find out you need to be there as it dries and ensure plenty support is applied on the heavy end as it dries. If you are not sure of the cleat strength you can sling a line under the hull either way if there isnt enough support it will tip (have the teeshirt- blush).
A club member had a GK24 - I'll ask him how it dried out for him. The other thing to watch is the degree of shelter you have. A bumpy drying out is to be avoided. The GK29 had poor rib design and many needed new ribs even early on in their lives. So had the GK34 of the day. Im not a fan of frequent drying out having seen so many boats with ribs replaced but I'd not be afraid to do it now and then to work on the boat.

We take a halyard to the shore to keep it leant in- not sure how you would achieve that with piles. Not sure of your tides but its scary how fast it comes in when you are under pressure so make sure you have one of the tapered soft timber plugs ready.

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5 Apr 2003
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A few years ago I had a GK24 which I dried out against a quay several times. It's quite stable with no tendency for bow or stern to drop.

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