Nick mine is an XL I dont know if you noticed but it has a little input for a GPS aerial which I used all the time on the Broom (mounted up top like on yours)
I dont think the 12 has that and stand to be corrected.
It is usefull to know you can plug it in (specially if using it with Tsunamis) and know that you have a strong signal in poor areas
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=>Sun Coast Sea School & Charter</A>
I have a 12 which I got at LBS for £139.99 it has an interface connection re the four pin socket which is for power input as well .
I think it's a very good piece of kit for the price.
<hr width=100% size=1>smile you'l be on your boat soon ;-)
<A target="_blank" HREF=></A>
After a lot of looking around I ended up with a Magellan 320 which had some advantages. Interesting comparison chart on <A target="_blank" HREF=></A>
also Compass doing them brand new and complete woth PC & power lead at £ 129.95.
Not a Garmin but!
Nick: I dont want to interfere or screw up JohnLewis trips but imho it is worthwhile spending rather a lot more and getting the 176C. A plotter is a million times more useful than a GPS, imho
No No twasant me going there, that was for Joanne works like this. Nick spends money on Boat Joanne goes to John Lewis to spend. Anyway I've put all that behind me now nets not allowed in the Med/forums/images/icons/smile.gif
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=>Sun Coast Sea School & Charter</A>
I've also been looking to replace my fixed GPS with chart plotter and liked the idea of a portable but not having properly used one was concerned that the screen seems awfully small for all that data - especially as I've got to the age to need "ready readers".
Would appreciate your opinion
It's a cracking piece of kit, and you can view different ways depending on what you're doing. Use it like a GPS when out at sea (big arrow showing which way to go, or 'road display' which show the waypoints for your route.
The actual chart view is actually very clear, and you can also set preferences for the amount of detail (or 'clutter') shown at different levels of zoom. I've been using it for nearly a year, and haven't had a problem with reading the chart.
Just about everyone that's seen it in action is considering purchasing one.
Do a search on 176c with 'all forums' and you'll see several peoples detailed comments
Rog, I can see that you would think it is too small but in practice there is no problem. If the actual size of the screen isn't an issue, you just hold it closer. The pixel count is enough to give a good image and overall the picture clarity is astonishingly good. Colours are very deep. Miles better than the black and white Magellan Nav6000 I had before it. I am used to large 10inch colour plotters on the boat and the 176c is just a toy/backup, but actually it is neraly as good. I thoroughly recommend it. I use it with the blue chart chips but even the free background world map is very good
Well I have just purchased the 72 which is somewhere between the 12 and the 76 in spec so seems a good compromise for me but then time will only tell......
Thanks guys for all your help and lets give Clive a break with the net curtains as having had the pleasure of meeting him recently he really is not that sort of chap......honest !