Well-known member
Oh God, the Scots have gone maudlin!
ALL hail to Mr Claymore, he is a hero brave,
That has crossed the mighty Atlantic wave,
For what purpose let me pause and think-
I answer, to warn the people not to taste strong drink.
And, I'm sure, if they take his advice, they never will rue
The day they joined the Scuttlebut Navy in the year 1992;
And I hope to their colours they will always prove true,
And shout, Hurrah ! for Mr Claymore and Scuttlebut blues.
What is strong drink? Let me think-- I answer 'tis a thing
From whence the majority of evils spring,
And causes many a fireside with boisterous talk to ring,
And leaves behind it a deadly sting.
Some people do say it is good when taken in moderation,
But, when taken to excess, it leads to tribulation,
Also to osmosis and loss of triangulation,
Likewise your eternal soul's damnation.
The drunkard, he says he can't give it up,
For I must confess temptation's in the cup;
But he wishes to God it was banished from the land,
While he holds the cup in his trembling hand.
And he exclaims in the agony of his soul --
Oh, God, I cannot myself control
From this most accurs'd cup!
Oh, help me, God, to give it up!
Strong drink to the body can do no good;
It defiles the blood, likewise the food,
And causes the drunkard with pain to groan,
Because it extracts the marrow from the bone:
And hastens him on to a premature grave,
Because to the cup he is bound a slave;
For the temptation is hard to thole,
And by it he will lose his immortal soul.
The more's the pity, I must say,
That so many men and women are by it led astray,
And decoyed from the paths of virtue and led on to vice
By drinking too much alcohol and acting unwise.
Good people all, of every degree,
I pray, ye all be warned by me:
I advise ye all to pause and think,
And never more to taste strong drink.
Because the drunkard shall never inherit the kingdom of God
And whosoever God loves he chastens with his rod:
Therefore, be warned, and think in time,
And don't drink any more whisky, rum, or wine.
But go at once-- make no delay,
And join the Scuttlebut Navy without dismay,
And rally round Mr Claymore, and make a bold stand,
And help to drive the Bane of Society from our land.
I wish Mr Claymore every success,
Hoping he will make rapid progress;
And to the Scuttlebut Navy may he always prove true,
And adhere to his colours-- the beautiful blue.
William McGonagurgle
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ALL hail to Mr Claymore, he is a hero brave,
That has crossed the mighty Atlantic wave,
For what purpose let me pause and think-
I answer, to warn the people not to taste strong drink.
And, I'm sure, if they take his advice, they never will rue
The day they joined the Scuttlebut Navy in the year 1992;
And I hope to their colours they will always prove true,
And shout, Hurrah ! for Mr Claymore and Scuttlebut blues.
What is strong drink? Let me think-- I answer 'tis a thing
From whence the majority of evils spring,
And causes many a fireside with boisterous talk to ring,
And leaves behind it a deadly sting.
Some people do say it is good when taken in moderation,
But, when taken to excess, it leads to tribulation,
Also to osmosis and loss of triangulation,
Likewise your eternal soul's damnation.
The drunkard, he says he can't give it up,
For I must confess temptation's in the cup;
But he wishes to God it was banished from the land,
While he holds the cup in his trembling hand.
And he exclaims in the agony of his soul --
Oh, God, I cannot myself control
From this most accurs'd cup!
Oh, help me, God, to give it up!
Strong drink to the body can do no good;
It defiles the blood, likewise the food,
And causes the drunkard with pain to groan,
Because it extracts the marrow from the bone:
And hastens him on to a premature grave,
Because to the cup he is bound a slave;
For the temptation is hard to thole,
And by it he will lose his immortal soul.
The more's the pity, I must say,
That so many men and women are by it led astray,
And decoyed from the paths of virtue and led on to vice
By drinking too much alcohol and acting unwise.
Good people all, of every degree,
I pray, ye all be warned by me:
I advise ye all to pause and think,
And never more to taste strong drink.
Because the drunkard shall never inherit the kingdom of God
And whosoever God loves he chastens with his rod:
Therefore, be warned, and think in time,
And don't drink any more whisky, rum, or wine.
But go at once-- make no delay,
And join the Scuttlebut Navy without dismay,
And rally round Mr Claymore, and make a bold stand,
And help to drive the Bane of Society from our land.
I wish Mr Claymore every success,
Hoping he will make rapid progress;
And to the Scuttlebut Navy may he always prove true,
And adhere to his colours-- the beautiful blue.
William McGonagurgle
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