The older the boat the higher the occurrance of "osmosis" especially prior to isophalic resins being used, and yes fresh water is worse than salt
just because the boat is dry when on the hard for several months /years doesn't mean it has not been affected!
What is happening when there is fluid present within the laminate is that it expands and breaks the glass strands away from the resin all be it very slowly, which weakens the structure
Epoxy coatings applied to the manufacturers reccommended thickness will certainly help reduce the moisture uptake into the laminate but water /moisture can enter the laminate from both sides or even at the deck edge!
Osmosis is natures way of making all solutions equal in concentration. Once water has got in and reacted with your laminate, fresh water would tend to be sucked in more than saline.
Of far more importance however, is that yachts prone to osmosis are far more prone to it regardless of what type of water thay are in. Those that are not prone to it don't care what the water is like.
Worst effect is when a boat that's spent a long life in fresh water and then put in salt water I believe.
Not in my experience - my boat was in fresh water when I bought her and she had a few small blisters. She's been in the sea ever since (2.5 years) and no recurrence.